Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute – International Welding Center

Borys Paton, the head of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Institute of Electro-welding, which bears the name of his father, not only became a kind of symbol of the industry, but also made a lot of effort to bring it to the international level. It was he who helped to add Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute to the international community of professionals and experts in connection technologies and processes with which these technologies are inextricably linked

Files leafing

There is a tradition to publish some materials of the past in the jubilee issues of newspapers. We also repeatedly posted on our pages notes and photos reflecting the history of the country and our university.

About Korolyov

The guests who arrived to KPI on the occasion devoted to the opening of the scientist’s monument have shared their memories of S.P. Korolyov and also shared stories about our time with the students and with the correspondent of "KP".

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