... October 4, 1957 I worked in Moscow research institute (after graduation KPI). This institute was linked with space program. Once, late in the evening we watched with bated breath the bright star that quickly moved across the dark sky. This was the first artificial satellite of the Earth. As I learned later, this project was planned and carried out by the initiator and head of ambitious state multi-years program S.P.Korolev

It was 50 years ago. Nobody at that time can predict that the aerospace industry will become very useful and almost everyday reality for the inhabitants of the Earth, that the people will visit the Moon, in a regular base will obtain the data from the Universe beyond the Solar system, create the programs to avoid possibility of asteroid attack.

I became acquainted with Sergey Pavlovich, when he was the director of other research institute. His name not yet associated with the rang “Chief Designer”, which became later. He spoke after our director during the council dedicated to the normal problems of delating of the execution the state order for Korolev’s institute. He was speaking, as I remember, persuasively not holding back anything important. He uncovered and specified the existing problems, and the task seemed so important, that it was impossible to not execute them. He spoke in a low voice, clear, concise, even lapidary. His overall terrible, but humanly understandable tone was sometimes ironic, and the language itself was filled with simple but striking similes; he perceived not as an administrative superior, but as the leader of the issues of national importance, of the failure of which it was impossible to conceive. Over-seriousness meaning of what they have been taught, combined with "gentle" on the form of treatment and outside friendly behavior, but, despite this, many of those present in the room when there was a desire to duck.

In subsequent years, I repeatedly participated in these meetings, speaking about "my" problem. Sergei Pavlovich did not give to anybody speak lengthy ; very quickly convincing of the incompetence of the speaker, he then interrupted the speaker and offers manager even if it was its director, to develop a problem to report. I do not remember that such reports did without his remarks - accurate, brief and unexpected; they were usually not perceived as offensive, because they were in most cases, fair and useful. Speakers at the "carpet", had no idea to bring the audience into confusion (for it could pay for it by the career), so that the promises were given restraint, thought out, in any case it was impossible to lose the head.

Sergei Pavlovich was well aware of people even after a very short acquaintance. He did not respect the verbosity and reflection "in general" - non-specific and floor - sharply reacted to the uncertain performance.

One of the main requirements of Sergei Pavlovich the product has been its trouble-free. Avoid this aspect in his speech - meant incurring serious criticism. After all your products directly depended the success or, God forbid, the failure of the whole complex in flight. At that time - in the late '50s and early' 60s –it has not yet been satisfactorily executed, as now, science "reliability". But even then perhaps the first of the major scholars S.P. Korolev felt and knew its importance, almost forcing theorists to help designers, engineers, materials scientists, specialists in radio electronics, and developers - to put the main activities in their experimental measure through the various types and kinds of tests, including bench and field.

Once I remember my report caused him puzzled and Sergei Pavlovich proposed to move to the next question. Then my Director (Academy of Sciences of the USSR, twice Hero of Socialist Labor) told me that Sergei Pavlovich reprimanded him: "Let this wise guy put it more clearly."

I've been on the "firm" Sergei Korolev. I realize now that was not there that gloss, which could be at the company of the "the chief". I remember the emptiness in the corridors and smoking rooms. It is understandable, because wander in working time was dangerous - you can meet Sergei Pavlovich.

My father was in the KPI along with S.P. Korolev as its peers. They could meet as the people from the same place – the father came from Kazatin, Sergei Pavlovich was from Zhitomir.

I still think that the story on the historical background of the photograph on the airframe of the main building KPI saw my father - not in the picture, and with my own eyes - because the students then, compared to now, there were few, and the event - aviation in the KPI - in the twenties was serious.

... Time is inexorable. Something is simply forgotten, other spreads far more years. Only the most significant, unusual and interesting vividly imprinted in the minds. In this way it remains unfading S.P. Korolev - one of the outstanding figures of the 20th century. This charismatic personality lived by today's standards not very long. But what the trace he left! Such people probably can not live a long time - they are burning bright, hot flame creative, capturing others for a future that will remain forever grateful great pioneers.

The Ukrainian land gave him to the world, he - one of her best sons. His life was the tightly intertwining of the talent and will. Our life - a life of his contemporaries and successors - should be devoted to the teaching field search, training and support talented sons of Ukraine, who is worthy to continue his work in the new century

Y.F. Zinkovskiy, Head of the Department of radio construction, a graduate of the radio department KPI 1956, Professor