Finally the time has come, when you are almost graduates, feel that you need to put into practice the knowledge acquired during the years of study. And you still have to spend a lot of effort to search for job vacancies in the specialty. This step is the most difficult: it requires a great staying power, stamina, strength, integrity, because often we hear in response categorical, though polite, "unfortunately, I'm sorry for your wasted time."

Placing ads in the media, employers are seeking specialists with higher education working experience of ... years. Further communication takes place by phone, fax, via the Internet, most of all - an interview. To get a skilled job without a diploma is quite real, but is it possible to say the same thing about the "no work experience"? In some cases, to get a work without the experience is simply impossible. When? When looking for a job editor. And here's why.

A lot of information barriers disappeared, the level of information richness is growing every day. A huge stream of messages, as you know, is going through the media. To do this, journalists often turn to notes, reports, correspondence, comments, articles, reviews and the like. These are operational, fast materials. They differ by constant use clichés and a large number of Russian words (in Ukrainian language editions). Editing such products should be fast and qualified. And exactly at this level a lack of editorial experience is shown. You have to remember Ukrainian Russian compliance expressions, the same large letter, you still just do not know where most errors occur and where they need to look at what you need to pay special attention that is paramount. So if you want to work with such periodicals and you are aware of your lack of experience, it should urgently self-educate. Browse the news, read the special literature, appropriate periodicals to participate in the information flow, and over time the level of your competence will begin to grow (of course, provided that the above information resources are of good quality, but that's another topic).

But it is hard to combine work and study. In my opinion, the golden mean in the plural of these two concepts is simply absent. Work will certainly affect the quality of the learning process (someone may not agree with this opinion). 50 per cent employment - is usually six working grueling hours (100 per cent employment is not even considered, to get a bachelor without attending classes, keeping your previous progress bar is simply unrealistic). Since we are still learning, it will be better if the part of our work will be educational and practical set of tasks. I would like to apply professional skills into practice for my benefit, acquiring and improving professional competence. But it's all in the ideal.

Those who seek will always find! Trite, but vital. "Honesty in this world is almost lost job" - so said Ovid. Do not listen to Ovid.

Julia Vasheyko, student IPP