The criterion of truth, the basis and purpose of knowledge is practice. This awareness is the cornerstone of activities of any successful teacher, especially in such a university as ours. Anyone who goes to a student audience must not only have theoretical material knowledge but also have a real hands-on experience and achievements. Moreover, they cannot stop in their scientific and practical work in the specialty. These teachers are respected, they are imitated, and also the have the best students.

This is true not only for science, but also for the humanities. A good example of this is the work of Associate Professor of the Sociology and Law Department, PhD Marina Petrovna Prepotenska. She has been working for 14 years at NTUU "KPI". Now she holds courses of philosophical anthropology, rhetoric, imagology. Her favorite audience is graduate students. "They come not because of the need, imprinted by the timetable, but they come to get the knowledge and skills that is they are self-motivated - she explains. – That is why training for them - it's not routine and just sitting their classes, but it is the real work. Ideally - work is creative, and this creativity must be mutual for both the teacher and audience".

And it's not just words. In her work Marina Petrovna widely uses not very traditional forms - filming with subsequent analysis of the behavior of the simulated situations, translation of historical chronicles and educational films on the problems of anthropology, imagology, etc., also trainings, she resorts to experience of "people-brands". Also she involves communicating with students and graduate KPI people who could be realized in the business - writers, artists, heads of public bodies of cultural profile, including even businessmen. In short, people who treat life as a continuous process of creation.

Creativity in general penetrates the entire work of Marina Prepotenska. Teaching creativity - she holds not only the author's teaching courses, but also she is the author of books that have received the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; her research work – her main work for now is preparing her doctoral thesis at the doctoral of Philosophy Institute of NAS of Ukraine, her literary and artistic work - she published several books of poetry and songs, and is the laureate of several competitions of art song, a member of the Association of Ukrainian Writers and the Association of Philosophy and Arts.

Most of her life she dedicated also to creative journalism.

The commitment of many listeners was won by the cyclus of her programs "Words and People" on the radio "Culture", "Kontraverza" at the studio “Square”, numerous performances on Radio "Era". Experts and ordinary listeners point out sincerity and originality of journalistic thought of Marina Petrivna, her ability to listen and hear the interlocutors, the ability to efficiently and simultaneously maintain listeners’ attention. The guests of her programs were well-known Ukrainian scientists, including those who work at our university, artists, public figures, and publishers - the people who without any reservations can be attributed to the intellectual elite of our country.

Her skills to philosophical generalizations – from some of the problems of our lives to the being of universal - lurks in publications in printed media, including "Kiev polytechnic", and in the Internet. These materials have their own style; they combine scientific style and have accessible presentation. Not surprisingly, that she is also a member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine.

So on the eve of Women's Day, when a real spring begins, we wish Marina Petrivna success in her work and, of course, good health and strength to implement all her start-ups.

D. Stefanovich
Translator: Микуляк Жанна ЛА-11

Editorial "KP" offer readers one of the poems of Marina Prepotenska.

На подходе

Сквозь циничное время пробиваются птицы
Щебетать свои песни и приветствовать день,
И пушистые кошки начинают лениться,
Чтобы жмуриться солнцу

и отбрасывать тень.
Полинявшие белки шустро скачут по веткам,
В парке – пятна проталин

с прошлогодней травой,
А на лицах людей (что случается редко)
Расцветают улыбки просто ни от чего.
Просто что-то творится в душе и в природе,
Мысли скачут встревоженно, и не до сна,
И надежда какая-то зреет в народе,
Это значит – уже на подходе ВЕСНА!