Slavutich branch of the NTUU “KPI”, Address: 07100, Kyiv region, Slavutych, Geroyiv Dnipra Street, 6
Phone: (04579) 2-98-63


The branch NTUU "KPI" in  the city Slavutich Kiev region provides education since 2001. It was opened in execution of the Order of the President of Ukraine in accordance with the decree "On measures related to the closure of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant." The idea of creating in the city of power engineers the system of higher education was born in connection with the need to address a number of socio-economic problems that have arisen in connection with the closure of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the need to withdraw it from service.

In particular, it is a problem of training, retraining and advanced training of the residents. "It is known that the success of economic, economic, scientific and technical activities is directly dependent on the availability of human personnel, able to develop and implement new ideas, - said the Mayor of Slavutych  Dr. Economy, Professor V.P. Udovichenko. - By unfortunately, in Ukraine in recent years, there was a process of brain drain that has destroyed the existing scientific schools and contributed to the economic crisis. Slavutych need to be saturated not only with new businesses, organizations, technologies and modern equipment, but also, in the first place - literate, educated professionals . It is this challenge and aims to solve Slavutich branch NTUU "KPI". We opted for the Kiev Polytechnic because NTUU "KPI" is one of the oldest and most respected universities of Ukraine and trains highly qualified experts. "

Training of Specialists

In 2002. In Slavutich branch started training bachelors in the specialty 6.050101 "Computer Science", and their first issue was held in 2006.

The licensed volume of enrollment for full-time education is 25 people, including government contracts - 8 persons, correspondence courses - 20 people.

Graduates of the training areas are the developers and users of software, hardware and computerized systems, introduce modern information technology for special and general purposes for different branches of science and industry. They are able to create and maintain computer systems and computerized information processing and management of organizational, technical, organizational and technical facilities.

The decision of the City Council of Slavutich there were allocated classrooms for the branch on a rental basis, with a total area of ​​344 square meters. On these areas there are 2 computer classes for 15 seats each, 1 classroom for  20 people in which computers are connected to the local network, a language lab for 15 seats, training and specialized audiences, library, accounting, dean's office, as well as a training lab information technology, within which there is a resource center and a powerful server. They were purchased audio, video and multimedia equipment, copying equipment, means of access to the Internet. Branch NTUU "KPI" is one of the founders of the projects implemented in Slavutych international organization World ORT with the support of "Hewlett-Packard", to create a technology center "Digital Community Center". The use of modern information technologies, best practices and training programs presents the learning process to a new level, empowers teachers and students, adds weight and quality of training of future professionals and provides a high level of competitiveness in the labor market.

Training Opportunities

"Every year in the branch the learning environment for students is improved, - says the director of the branch  Dr. Tech.Sci., Professor Anatoly Nosovskii. – It is provided the access of  students and teachers to sources of information as the main component in the training. Now the library fund includes more than 2,400 copies contemporary literature, periodicals and books in electronic form. The library provides services to readers using the latest information technology.

Educational process is provided by the full time teachers of the branch, as well as highly skilled specialists from respective industries. The teaching staff is characterized by a sufficient level of qualification. At present, the branch has 2 doctors of sciences, 6 candidates and 11 teachers.

30 full-time students are studying here.

In the context of the dynamic development of the socio-economic system the management focuses on improving the organization and content of the educational process and the competitiveness of graduates in the labor market. The main objective of the branch is to provide high quality training of specialists capable of continuous self-improvement and update their professional knowledge and skills in accordance with the requirements of modern times. During its existence the branch issued 175 specialists in the area of ​​training "Computer Science", of which 94 full-time, 81 - part-time, 18 graduates received a diploma with honors. In order to improve the quality of training in the branch a considerable attention is paid to the organization of methodical work and the establishment of methodological basis of the educational process. Teachers of the branch published 29 titles of manuals. To organize and coordinate the teaching work  it was created and operated Educational advisory board, Department of Computer Science. Considerable attention is paid to the development of a set of measures for the transition from the traditional information and reproductive innovative teaching methods based on the activation of the creative potential of young people, encourage independent work, provide individualization of learning.

Student Government

Sufficient attention is paid to educational work with students, development of the student government. For ten years, the student council is working in the branch, whose activities contribute to the harmonious development of personality, the creative potential of students, equipping them with skills organizer and leader of the future. The social protection system acquires the importance in the educational work with the students, providing them with various forms of assistance.

At the initiative of the Student Council it was created the editorial board of the literary and informational newspaper "Student Bulletin". For personal achievement, academic achievement and participation in public 9 students Slavutych branch were awarded personal scholarships State Administration.

In October 2014 it was approved the new composition and structure of the student council Slavutych branch NTUU"KPI":

  • Chairman of the Student Council - Vitaly Chernyavskii (student gr. ISS-31)
  • Deputy Chairman - Denis Avramenko (headman c. ISS-31)
  • Secretary - Anna Martin (student gr. ISS-21)
  • Training sector:
    • Daniel Klyuyev (Sector Manager, student gr. ISS-41).
  • Research Sector:
    • Vladislav Rilov (Sector Manager, student gr. ISS-31);
    • Alexander Pinchuk (student gr. ISS-41).
  • Information and editorial sector:
    • Nadia Kononova (Sector Manager, elder c. ISS-21);
    • Irina Kolyasnikova (headman c. ISS-41).
  • Sector leisure and sports
    • Anton Mostipan (Sector Manager, student gr. ISS-21);
    • Roman Hvorostenko (student gr. ISS-21);
    • Artem Kovtun (student gr. ISS-41);
    • Cyril Karpenok (student gr. ISS-31).

Scientific activity

Considerable attention is given in the branch of the research work. For the purpose of coordination, organizational, scientific and methodological support for talented students, to create favorable conditions for the development and implementation of creative abilities of students, engaging them actively in research work, search activities in the learning process in higher education, participation in solving urgent problems modernity in the branch from 2005 to 2010 it was  held a competition of student research papers and annual scientific conference.

The restoration of good tradition April 25, 2014 in Slavutych it  was held the First International scientific-practical seminar students, scientists and entrepreneurs "smart city technologies in the XXI century", which was initiated by the company ICONICS and Prosoft Ukraine, and the direct organizer Slavutich branch NTUU "KPI" .

This scientific workshop became a very important event for our students, especially given its international status. It was a small but very important step in the understanding of the complexity and importance of their chosen profession. The experience gained will contribute to the formation of the creative potential of future information technology specialists.

Since 2014 the Student Scientific Society (head –candidate of pedagogical sciences, teacher N.A. Ivanitskaya ) is operating in the Slavutich branch. Under her leadership, students prepared and published 6 papers.

That research work provides students with methodologies and research techniques, technology and the ability of creative approach to the study of certain scientific problems to provide a new quality of life.

Site Slavutych branch NTUU KPI:

Prepared by Elena Pusher