To serve heart longer

The 4th year student of Biomedical Engineering Faculty Maria Hloza dedicated her scientific research to noble cause of improving quality and continuation of life expectancy.

Presentation of bolide Formula Student KPI

October 7, 2015 in NTUU "KPI" there was a presentation of the racing car class Formula SAE, which was designed and constructed by students NTUU "KPI" led by head of the integrated technology engineering department MMI Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor Vitalii Pasichnyk.

Aerobics Competition among Faculties

Aerobic Gymnastics competition for championship of faculties on sports day program of NTUU “KPI” was held April 21, 2015 in the central aerobics and fitness hall. It began with the participants’ parade. The competition chief judge S.

Sports orienteering at the KPI

Sports orienteering is a very exciting type of sport that requires enormous sportsmen’ endurance, speed of thinking and attentiveness, i.e. physical and intellectual training at once.

Tourists KPI win again

It has become a tradition that our athletes from the tourist club "globe" with the competition returned winners. This certificate is good preparation they receive at the club, and the will to win and desire to best represent their University.

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