Mathematical training of an engineer, ways to improve it

A graduate of modern higher technical educational institution must have a high level of professional knowledge as well as knowledge and skills of science subjects cycle, and especially math. Improving the training of specialists is impossible without improving their mathematical training.

Outstanding mathematician Eugene Viktorovskyy

The second year the chair of mathematical analysis and theory of probability FMF and State Polytechnic Museum at NTUU "KPI" conduct joint seminars to devoted distinguished mathematicians who worked in the KPI. Gone seminars to devoted Zmorovych, OS Smohorzhevsky, YD Sokolov.

Is the mathematics still “Queen of sciences”?

Recently known and quite popular saying of the great German philosopher of the XVIII century Immanuel Kant was : "Any natural science contains as much truth as it contains mathematics." And indeed, mathematics for centuries rightly takes the throne of the Queen of Sciences.

Mathematicians on the Ukrainian coins

For ten years existing of the Mint of the National Bank of Ukraine issued three hundred jubilee and commemorative coins, combined in 23 thematic series, one of the most significant of which is the series "Outstanding Personalities of Ukraine".

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