Opening of the Boris Hnedenko’s memorial tablet

On December 5, 2017, a memorial plate dedicated to the outstanding mathematician, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Boris Hnedenko (1912-1995), was opened on the building on 10 Prorizna Str., where he lived with his wife and two sons in 1950s (at that time he was the director of the Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR).

The awards ceremony of the Mathematics Olympiad

On March 30 NTUU "KPI" held an open Mathematics Olympiad, which is annually conducted by the staff of the Department of Mathematical Analysis and Probability Theory and is the first stage of all-Ukrainian student olympiad in mathematics for students of higher educational institutions.

KPI students are the best in mathematics 2015

From 19 to 22 may in Sumy, Sumy state University (SSU) was held the final round of all-Ukrainian Olympiad in mathematics in technical universities. For the second time SSU successfully host the Olympics, which the planning is conducted in may each year.

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