Shaping competition

The competition, held upon the Olympics Program of the "KPI", was attended by 85 students of FBMI, FMF, FL, HTF, FMM, FEL, ITC, FPM, fax, MMI, PTI, FIVT, FAT, VPI, IASA, IMD, FBT, IEE. The main aim of the competition is the popularization of sports and healthy lifestyle.

Tourists of KPI are competing

Suddenly autumn was over. It gave not only colorful photos long "Indian summer", but many sport competitions where our students had successfully results.

Labyrinth 2015. Autumn

Watermelon. Latin deity. Mud. Students. "Polytechnic". What joins these words? Of course, the "Labyrinth." Travel Game "Labyrinth" for the KPI has become traditional. "Labyrinth 2015. Autumn" October 2-4, brought together students of NTUU "KPI" at the WTO "Polytechnic".

The Sports Games 2015 in NTUU "KPI"

From March to May at the University in Department of Physical Education NTUU "KPI" was traditionally held Sports days. According to the results of the competition were determined sportsmans and teams which will represent in competitions local, national and international level.

Aerobics Competition among Faculties

Aerobic Gymnastics competition for championship of faculties on sports day program of NTUU “KPI” was held April 21, 2015 in the central aerobics and fitness hall. It began with the participants’ parade. The competition chief judge S.

Marketing case competition

Final part of IX All-Ukrainian student competition case-Marketing Rising Industrial Marketing Stars, organized by the Department of Industrial Marketing FMM was held April 18 in "KPI".

Compete beautiful and graceful

Competition in shaping the Spartakiad of NTUU "KPI" took place on 16.04.2015 in the University's sports complex. The main objective of the competition is to promote sports and a healthy lifestyle.

Spring. Students. Labyrinth

Spring. Students. Polytechnic. What unites these words? Of course it’s the "Labyrinth". A tourist game "Labyrinth" has already  become traditional  for KPI. This event is long-awaited  for many sports, tourism and healthy recreation supporters. The "Labyrinth -2014.

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