Program "Erasmus +" at NTUU “KPI”

Under the title "Erasmus +" January 1, 2014 a new program of the European Union started to improve skills and efficiency in education, training, youth and sport.

A visit to the Opole University of Technology

At the invitation of the direction of the Opole University of Technology (Opole c., Poland) the head of Department of  Theoretical and Industrial Heat Systems Engineering (TIHSE) DEeng and professor H.B.Varlamov visited this institution in 15-18 of September 2015.

"Erasmus plus" – new opportunities

Almost two years ago, it was reported that educational program of the European Commission will change its face. So, on the 19th of November, 2013 the European Parliament adopted a new program of the European Union in the field of education, training, youth development and sports.

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