Gregoriy Valentinovich Samsonov (15.02.1918, Pushkin, Leningrad Region, Russia - 12.22.1975, Kyiv, buried in the Baikove cemetery) - scientist in chemistry and technology of inorganic materials. He was born in Pushkin city (Leningrad Region). After finishing Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology (1940) he worked on various positions in Russian Federation. Since 1956 worked in Ukraine at the Institute of metal- and special stops USSR Academy of Sciences, 1961-63 - Head of Technical Sciences of the USSR, since 1962 Professor of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, since 1961 a member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

The range of Samson’s scientific interests is extremely wide. He possesses fundamental work in the field of chemical bonding refractory compounds which formed the basis of the scientific concept of composite materials based on refractory compounds with the desired properties. Completed his basic research in physical chemistry refractory compounds were the basis for the production and use of nearly 500 substances on an industrial scale.

Basic research devoted to Solid State Chemistry. Designed and implemented in production technology for over 400 compounds (borides, nitrides, carbides, etc.). Materials, including metal for nuclear energy and heat resistant to mechanical engineering. He investigated a wide range of t-p structure and properties of refractory compounds. He studied the physicochemical interaction of particles in the solid phase, diffusion processes in the formation and contact refractory compounds. He developed the foundations of quantum-mechanical theory of sintering of powders of refractory compounds. Proposed technology of coatings of refractory compounds on metals and alloys.

G.V.Samsonov published 1400 scientific works, 50 monographs and directories. There are little monographs of refractory compounds in the world which did not mention it to work, and now it works with high citation index.

G.V.Samsonov prepared 170 candidates and 20 doctors, has received international acclaim and was a member of many international scientific publications, initiated the establishment of the International Institute of Science of Sintering, was awarded the highest award of the Planzeyevsky International Society powder metallurgy and he received a medal S.I.Vavylov, based on G.V.Samsonov Prize for the best article in the journal "Science of Sintering».

In 1968 he was awarded the title of Honored Worker of Science of the USSR, in 1972 was awarded the State Prize of the USSR, honored Paton Prize named. P.G.Sobolevskiy , D.I.Mendelyeyev, was elected an honorary member of the Serbian Chemical Society, the Higher Technical School in Vienna, the International Institute of Science of Sintering.

G.V.Samsonov educated brilliant galaxy of scientific and pedagogical staff, managers and industry.