The V International Conference of Students and Young Scientists was held at the Faculty of Chemical Technology on the 9th-11th April 2014. The conference was devoted to fundamental and practical issues in the field of chemistry and chemical engineering.

At the opening of the conference in the hall of the Academic Council there were present Dean of the FCT, head of the conference Organizational Committee professor I.M.Astrelin, vice-principal on scientific and pedagogical work (educational work) H.B.Varlamov, vice-principal deputy on scientific work V.A.Barbash, vice-principal deputy V.I.Tymofyeyev, president of the "Union of Chemists of Ukraine" O.H.Holubov, head of D.I.Mendeleev Ukrainian chemical Society
M.S. Slobodyanyk, chief executive of LLC "NVP Ekosoft" T.Y.Mitchenko and other respected people.

Holding a conference was supported by the "Union of Chemists of Ukraine", LLC "Agromat", "Ekosoft" enterprise, Scientific Students and Postgraduates Society of NTUU "KPI", Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine, D.I. Mendeleev Ukrainian Chemical Society and others.

The desire to participate in the conference and to publish their researches’ results in the book of abstracts was expressed by about 200 students, postgraduates and young scientists from 14 countries from 18 universities, 8 Institutes of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 9 enterprises and firms, indicating a significant desire of young people to knpwledge and exchange of scientific experience. 85 researchers made their presentations. Sections of organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, electrochemistry, inorganic materials science, chemical cybernetics and ecology were open. The greatest number of reports were on the sections of inorganic materials science, electrochemistry and inorganic materials science. Every report was discussed by the perticipants of the conference and researchers attending the meeting sessions. Each speaker received useful tips, that are so essential in the work of the scientist.

Conference Program Committee honored the best reports with diplomas and prizes.
City sightseeing and excursions on the firms “Agromat” and “Ekosoft” were organized for the participants of the conference.
All in all, the conference was quite useful and effective for the researchers and the audience.

N. Fomich, the student of FCT
Translator: Логінова Женя ЛА-13

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