The events of  one of the most cruel wars that the mankind had been suffered from have been moving away each year. However the wounds of those who defended their homeland with their lives from enemy invasion don’t stop hurting. It’s difficult to imagine for young generation of Ukrainians the true extent of our losses, human, economic, cultural, social, veacuse the relentless wheel of war has swept Ukraine  and left dire consequences. However the veterans whose fate has been burnt by the war remember it.

According to the veteran evidences, more than 700 veterans studied, worked, grew in the postwar years in KPI. According to the archives of the civil organization "Veteran of KPI" and the State Polytechnic Museum, established data on 423 veteran soldiers, among them were 241 officers; 169 soldiers, sergeants; 13 employees.

Nowadays some of them continue to work in good faith at the university:  there are veterans  Alexey V. Belotsky, Mikolai M. Pryshchepa, Igor O. Rozhnetskyy, Eugene K. Cherniavskyi, Victor L. Selivanov, Vladimir Stetsunov; the veterans-workers;  Anatoly A. Kamensky, Ivan D. Bukhanevych, Theodosia D. Lanovenko Raisa A. Synkovska, Nina M. Kostyuk, Ivan I. Bobyr, Vladlen V. Zorin, Sergei M. Konstantinov, Yury V. Mikheev, Anatoly T. Orlenko, Valentine M. Chermalyh, Boris M. Shelkovnikov, Boris D. Tarashevskyy, Mykhailo S. Tryvaylo, Vadym M. Yavorovskiy, Dmitry F. Chernega, Uriy U. Lukacs, Ivan A. Cashin, Victor B. Strogyi, Eugenia S. Gavrilova, Vasily A. Svertoka, Victor I. Gur, Gennadyi U. Gritsenko, Nina O. Virchenko.

Dear veterans! On this memorable day for our people accept the best wishes for health and inspiration, family comfort and well-being, the great earthly happiness for many years! Let your family never suffer any hard challenge. Live happily for your children, grandchildren and descendants!

With great respect and honor,
 The head of the CO "Veteran of KPI" Y. Nesterenko
Translator: Степаненко Марина ЛА-13