Considerable scientific potential of Ukraine is focused in higher education system (70 % of doctors and candidates of sciences ). Preparation of 81% and 85% of doctoral graduate students is carried out with higher education. Therefore, the rational organization and adequate funding for science in universities depend on the quality of human capital, innovation and scientific basis for economic development, scientific and technological and intellectual potential of Ukraine. The future of the country is formed by hands of young people, and today is a national security of Ukraine depends on where it sees the prospect of its future activities and practical implementation in Ukraine or abroad.

The special mission of science in universities

The mission of science in universities is multifaceted. First, we provide high quality training of students, who are taking a direct part in research and are able to grow themselves as researchers. New scientific knowledge of university professors , especially those who do the research be themselves , is a constant source of updated educational content through the formation of new disciplines , the use of research results in the modernization of laboratory and practical work, the preparation of new textbooks and manuals in new specialties , which, in fact , appear on the new knowledge provided by science.

Science is a source of new knowledge , and on this basis - the creation of new technologies and techniques.

These results , in turn, form the foundations of innovative development of a competitive industry and national economy. Due to the large teaching load of teachers effectiveness formation of such principles is sometimes small, but the presence of the universities, established scientific schools , academic departments, staff researchers, the active participation of young people, some universities, including NTUU "KPI" exhibit to obtain scientific results of global -level published in journals such as Nobel laureates «Nature», annually receiving state Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology , prepare scientific basis for decision-making , creating and implementing innovative developments of national importance like.

NTUU "KPI" is a leading university research in the country, with publications in referred international journals, an annual celebration of achievements by state awards -'s Day 2013 Science Prize awarded 6 scientists. Following the 2012 research reflected in three resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. But this is achieved "no thanks, but in spite of" the current state of science, which since independence has lost a great deal. After disintegration of the USSR at the time of their scientific potential has been among the world leaders.

Unfortunately, misunderstanding by all the authorities of independent Ukraine’s unique role of science as a generator of new knowledge and innovation base of the economy, as tragically prophetic words of the first President of independent Ukraine that "science can wait, knowledge-based reduced Ukraine's gross domestic product to 0.7% & then in developed countries this figure reaches 60-80%. In the global competitiveness ranking in recent years Ukraine has fallen to 89th by becoming a neighbor of African countries.

Priorities and state requirements should form the market.

One way of forming priorities and government contracts for science in general and universities in particular , could be to prioritize the involvement of representatives of businesses and companies that operate successfully in domestic and foreign markets. They can quite adequately predict which scientific and technical products will be necessary and will be in demand in the near future. If you concentrate financial and intellectual resources to solve these problems, the result is much stronger than now. Especially if they involve representatives of business expertise to the work performed , that make them direct client works with state funding or on the basis of public -private partnerships. Of course , this is just an idea , the mechanism requires detailed work, but only if its implementation scientists will work not only " on the shelf " UkrISTEI , but also to the state.

Today, there is a favorable situation to invite the pilot experiment. This refers to the order of the Cabinet of Ukraine from 17.12.2012 , № 1077- r , and the signing of the agreement between the State Enterprise " CB" South " and NAS Ukraine last year and between SE" CB "South" and twenty universities Education of Ukraine , held 02.07.2013 , the existing mechanisms for the implementation of the two agreements today almost there, but the order of the government the power to create such a mechanism to work and it may be for example one organization - state enterprise " CB" South " . That's how we would implement a government order , the program (and not, as is the case now ).

Basic and competitive financing research of activities of universities

Basic science funding is available in the institutes of the National Academies of Sciences and is formed on the basis of the target performance topics are determined directly and permanently institutions. Though university funding is now missing, but it is necessary first of all to carry out the functions of science education and create the conditions for effective operation staff.

It is necessary to provide funding for salaries of staff members, engaged services of scientific equipment , stands , instruments , determining their numbers and skills, as well as the minimum necessary funding to support equipment , utilities and energy . For this purpose at the level of MES of Ukraine must develop a system of certification of academic units that can be carried out by experts of relevant sections or other professionals. Today, full-time employees of scientific departments , especially engineering and technical staff are socially vulnerable category because they are exempt from work at the end of each topic, and if funding is not a new topic , they remain unemployed. If this situation raise collective artists a year ( with the successful passage of a new theme in the next competition and its funding ) will be the next to impossible. To implement such a scheme does not require additional financing costs - you only need to spend their redistribution within the existing budget of the organization , highlighting the proportion of full-time employees for the maintenance of appropriate category , and another sending directly to the implementation of competitive projects by staff researchers involved in the projects faculty , graduate and students.

Competitive financing of the budget subject also needs to be improved. The current assessment of the projects in the long list of criteria right now is actually the only one but imperfect mechanism for the selection of topics for funding. Composition of experts selected mainly on the basis of representation of universities , not recognized scientific schools are not always able to objectively assess the scientific value of the project proposals. Competition for the number of articles, monographs , textbooks , etc. are somewhat arbitrary, sometimes virtual, because it is clear that only two years of application threads to prepare a textbook or monograph it executable by topic almost impossible. In general, the difference between basic and applied research seems somewhat blurred , and deadlines for their implementation (applied - 2 years , fundamental - 3 years ) does not meet the foreign experience.

Performance of contractual work

Introduced a few years ago crediting system of economic contracts and providing scientific and technical services to the so -called special fund budget with appropriate services through the State Treasury artificially created a number of problems of research activities . It’s necessary to ensure prompt disposal of funds for the purchase of equipment, materials and components, which are implemented in the framework of economic agreements and contracts with Ukrainian and foreign customers. To this end, appropriate payments are made through the bank accounts of the University and not through the State Treasury.

The existing conditions to enter into contracts becomes problematic because the existing order of non-banking assets in science:

  • is a major obstacle to financial autonomy of universities;
  • significantly affects business image Universities;
  • makes it difficult to quickly and accurately perform technical tasks for self-financing topics, scientific and technical services;
  • not perceived by foreign partners and leads to financial losses universities.

However, the demands of the Ministry on increasing amounts of special fund, the introduction of development, commercialization remain valid. However, the situation with the increase in contracting topics also complicate the excessive tax burden and established mandatory deductions for which a direct resource may only receive about 40% of the total volume of the topic.

Research institutes: only sign or adequate content?

Launching in Ukraine providing research status of individual universities involved the creation of conditions for providing not primarily mass and elite education, which would be based on an organic combination of such universities in three components : education , research and innovation . This was true for example of foreign universities , occupying a leading position in the world rankings . But none of the 14 universities designated authority with the status of " research " really did not get adequate financial support , and some universities even lost funding due to budget science carried out by the Ministry in 2013 to fund new gear reduction Topics by 42%. And despite the fact that the average annual budget science research one Ukrainian university even less than that (sorry for the comparison) transfer price of one player. A transfer price of a football team can be compared with an annual budget funds for science of all universities of Ukraine. In addition, for example, the budget of the Ministry for science is 10 times less than that of a single budget science Imperial College London ( 3.925 billion USD) , the latter , incidentally, one and a half times the budget of all research institutions of the National Academy of Sciences Ukraine .

And is not this the answer to the question: "Why not have Nobel Prize winners from Ukraine ?" Of course, like a foreign budgets Ukrainian universities can not even dream of , though trying to get the world rankings . It is not appropriate, given the real financial capacity of Ukraine , now limited to only a few research universities on a competitive basis of criteria , such as it recently did in. Selecting a target for such a basic university funding and implementing appropriate pilot projects could turn out Ukrainian experience content appropriate content of the research universities. At least it would be received chance for implementation in Ukraine of foreign experience known benefits of university research type .

Innovations in the absence of innovation system

On the innovation system in Ukraine speak , write , create laws and regulations long ago. But, frankly call a spade a spade, our country is not receptive to innovation . There was no formation of financial mechanisms to encourage media innovation. It seems that the more verbally society concerned with the importance of innovation, the less innovative practice getting the economy of our country. The tragic fate parks. Several science parks have a small islets innovative breakthrough . Some of them have been willing to fulfill state orders for the creation of innovative products, technology transfer , domestic production of import substituting production , but these do not give them orders . As a science, and innovation : without their demand with the creation of the state under the appropriate enabling environment to attract innovation economy to improve the situation will change. It may become a turning point in the new state program revitalization of the national economy?

MPs have heard

March 13, 2013 hearing held by the Committee on Science and Education of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on " On the state legislative support and funding for scientific and technological activities ." To this group forum rector for scientific work of leading universities from different regions of Ukraine ( M.Yu.Ilchenko - Kyiv , O.V.Haydachuk - Kharkov, Ye.O.Bashkov - Donetsk, V.O.Ivanytsya - Odessa, O. . Sadovoy - Dnipropetrovsk , A.M.Chornous - Amounts ) provided and prove the 12 specific proposals to the Recommendations of the hearing. It should be noted that 10 of our suggestions were considered and the final document formulated such hearings 10 orders of the Government of the country

- Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to prepare proposals for phased over seven years beginning in 2014, the provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On scientific and technical activities " regarding science funding at 1.7 % of GDP and bring to 1 June 2013 appropriate proposals to Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

- Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to provide instructions to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to ensure stable funding base leading scientific schools of the University , to take measures to unify grid tariff for all categories of scientists who work in the institutions of NAS of Ukraine , national academies of sciences industry and university IV level of accreditation;

- Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to provide instructions to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to provide higher education institutions and academic institutions access to electronic resources scientometric commercial databases Scopus, Web of Science and the scientific periodicals of the world's leading publishers Elsevier, Springer , etc.

- Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to provide instructions to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to strengthen the integration of universities in Ukraine in the international scientific community , to ensure wider participation in international projects in order to obtain competitive research results world-class programs to expand the list of international collaborative research , provide support for the participation of universities in European grant programs including payment of Ukraine respective financial contribution;

- Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to provide instructions to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine , With the growing volume of international scientific cooperation between Ukrainian and foreign universities and research institutions, increasing the number of graduate and doctoral internships abroad with the support of both the MES of Ukraine and foreign institutions and international funds to consolidate the regulatory possibility of dual leadership and counseling master's and doctorate, where one of the managers ( consultants) will act as the representative of a foreign university or research institution

- Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in order to increase the prestige of the scientific work and the status of researcher, encouraging talented young people and young scientists to scientific and educational activities The Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine to submit proposals on :

providing scientists with housing , including office and provide young researchers additional long-term soft loans for its construction ;

taking into account all kinds of scientific, technical activities undertaken by legal contracts and civil law and concurrently when calculating pensions researchers ;

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine The Ministry of income and charges Ukraine to study the issue and make up to 1 June 2013 proposals for paying mandatory taxes and insurance fees into the flow of funds from customers for R & D work, and not after signing acts of acceptance and surrender scientific technical products ( research institutions and universities do not have available funds to pay the required fees specified in the terms defined by the law) ;

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine The Ministry of income and charges Ukraine to study the issue and make up to 1 June 2013 proposal for exemption of the income of enterprises , regardless of their form of ownership, which are aimed at funding research at universities and research institutions (which will promote the interest of enterprises funding and implementation of Ukrainian innovation );

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine to June 1, 2013 to introduce legislative proposals to extend the right research organizations and higher education institutions to manage funds received by the scientific and technical works , innovative projects directly through bank accounts , freeing them from the limiting distribution in articles.
Thus, we have reason to conclude that the execution of orders given by deputies would promote implementation of the Program of the President of Ukraine on economic reforms to increase the competitiveness of domestic industry based on innovation , involvement in scientific research of students, improving the quality of training. Thus we consider that is necessary for the progress of the state results will be achieved only if , when science and advanced education will set the basis for the development of economy and society. Otherwise, even with better funding , in principle, nothing will change
" The current state of science in Ukraine resembles the following picture: the starry sky , which still sparkle with stars isolated individual scientists and research groups , but between them - the emptiness ." These are the words of Academician VP Seminozhenko of September, 132011. Over the past eighteen months the state of science is not improved. Number star research teams and islets innovative breakthrough , unfortunately, has not increased. But optimism adds that Ukraine is a promising young wonderful human intellectual potential, which could promote the growth of not only foreign , but also primarily domestic economy. The evidence for this is overwhelming victory in international competitions of our young scientists, students and high school students , the activities of the Small Academy of Sciences , the implementation of the " Ukraine's Future ."

So for his dignified future state must take real action to demand for science and innovation is in Ukraine , legislators , regardless of their political affiliation should unite to form the appropriate legislation , which would contribute to the development of science and which should be clearly followed. Indeed , as noted by the world-famous scientist Frederic Joliot -Curie , "... science needs of the people. A country that does not develop it inevitably turns into a colony . " Thus, the science of Ukraine can no longer wait

M. Ilchenko , Academician of NAS of Ukraine , Chairman of the vice-chancellors of universities in Ukraine.