It is well-known fact, that everything good is passed quickly. The summer is over, holiday campaign and heath-improving rest of students and employees of NTUU “KPI” are ended. Mass holidays for polytechnic students was organized on university resorts “Mayak”, “Sosnovyi”, “Politechnic” and “Globus”. 3036 persons were healed there, among them 2039 students and 997 employees and members of their families. Rehabilitation was continued during July and August.

The Subcommittee of trade union of control of recreation continuously monitored the progress of the organization and the conduct of health campaign in the university, by the results of which recommendations and suggestions were prepared that will soon be transferred to the University administration . The resort "Mayak" enjoyed the most popularity (a term permits 18 days for employees and 9 days for students). There were rehabilitated 80 % of those who used the services of KPI recreation , including 1919 students. This summer, students at first time settled not only in the buildings of the former camp, but in the main building. On the bases of the "Sosnovyi", "Polytechnic ", " Globus" term of trips was 14 days. Least of rested students were in the tourist camp "Globe" .

Administration and trade union have found the ability to significantly reduce the value of permits. Almost all of the holidays-makes received cash assistance for rehabilitation, most employees received such assistance in an amount of the salary. For example, at full value of permit for employee is 2300 USD, the actual value, which was paid by employees and members of their families, was amounted through a sanatorium - 1800 USD, and with compensation trade union - 1300 USD; through NTUU "KPI" - 1600 UAH.

Great popularity of the resort "Mayak" is primarily associated with the sea, and secondly, the prices of all the resorts were almost identical. Because most of the students and staff have chosen sea vacation at almost the same cost. Including that "Polytechnic" has a modern boiler that supplies hot water to the kitchen and heats the building for employees, the resort can operate all year round and at weekends too.

The resort "Sosnovyi" is objectivity cannot bring profit because it has only 60 seats, and the operating personnel should be in an amount of as on other bases. Raise of prices will push away the visitors. It is necessary to expand the kinds of service and build a base, practically build another building. Most in need of strengthening the material base of sports camp "Globe ", which is, honestly, in terrible condition. One of the variant would be purchasing an unfinished building, located on the border of the camp.

It should be noted that the holding of recreational season was not easy, especially in the financial plan. After all, despite the fact that the account of the University from the sale of permits had responsible funds, the Treasury almost all summer made it impossible to use them. This especially refers to "Mayak" where vendors provided products under letters of guarantee, trusting the management and the chief doctor of the resort. Only in late September, the University was able to finally settle with suppliers.

The resort "Mayak" needs serious repair work on the student buildings, dining room, kitchen appliances and more. This year we settled students in the main building. The behavior of some of them caused the rage of employees. That is why we want students to settle in a separate building, except there is a need to increase the demands on their behavior and commit to be responsible for maintaining the property, and these requirements to register in the permit.

Now the university has monitoring and financial management. It requires that workers of resorts were held by the profits, which is now almost impossible. Perhaps we need to overview the work time of resorts and include in recreation season June and September and give directors the opportunity to organize a holidays, given local peculiarities, of course, with the supervision of the University.

Besides the resorts, 195 employees were rehabilitated for trips to resorts across the Social Insurance Fund paying 20% of the cost. We have the opportunity to heal through permits almost everyone. During 2013 58 children had improved their health in the camps of the city committee of the trade union, their parent paid 10% of the tour price. At the university bases \ about 200 children and grandchildren of employees of KPI were rested.

Trade Union and University Healthcare Commission summed up the work of recreation centers during this year and found the work which was made to improve the health of students and staff in 2013 as satisfactory, as is expected in March 2014 to develop a concept for the development and operation of recreation for the future.

V.I. Molchanov, the Head of Trade Union of KPI