Throughout its existence, the chemistry has always helped and continues to help man in his practice. Without the chemistry it  is impossible to develop the fuel and energy complex, metallurgy, transportation, communications, construction, electronics, spheres of everyday life, and the like.

Unfortunately, in recent years it  has been seen in Ukraine the destruction of the level of chemical education in high school. The biased attitude is formed to the chemistry. It is thought as a complex, hard to understand and, more importantly, not claimed in the life and the career. So often there are complications in the study of chemistry by students of high schools.

But modern society needs educated young people, who in their professional activities should be able to implement their own development in various fields of science, technology and production. This successful operation is possible only on the basis of a harmonious understanding of the material world, the environment, conscious search for their place in everyday life. Therefore, knowledge of fundamental science and natural sciences, including chemistry, is the necessary basis for a fruitful professional activities of graduates and the ability to solve problems and possible future global issues.

Given the long-term experience NTUU "KPI" in the training of engineers and advanced training requirements for undergraduate general technical trends in light of the requirements of the Bologna agreement, scientific and pedagogical staff is consistently working on the problem of forming a high quality system of students' knowledge in fundamental disciplines (chemistry, mathematics, physics). The acquisition of knowledge on the basic natural sciences during the first years of teaching becomes the key to the formation of students the fundamental outlook (belief systems, concepts, ideas) on the nature and objects of the world. The expansion and improvement of basic training allows to create professionals who are capable of unconventional thinking, analyzing, organizing and summarizing the information received, solving real engineering problems.

Forming the fundamental store of knowledge it is often justified the need to strengthen the physical and mathematical training. At the same time there are not sufficiently analyzed the problems relating to the features of improving the training of chemistry - one of the natural sciences, which largely provides a thorough fundamental-scientific component of training.

A high level of engineering work and the generation of new ideas for solving technological and design approaches can only be based on a thorough understanding of the chemical and physico-chemical laws of processes that are essential for the creation of new natural process industries. Fruitful activity of the future engineers in various industries, science is not possible without mastering the system of fundamental chemical knowledge.

Especially important component of chemical education is the laboratory practice, the implementation of which ensures the formation of students' skills in experimentation and research as an important part of professional activities. First it is implied the formation of future engineers sufficient chemical culture. Each specialist must at least have a good idea of ​​those "chemical components" of their activities, which contribute to its intensification or less rationalize the results of the performed work.

For example, significant qualitative changes in the field of microelectronics can be realized only when using new semiconductor materials that can be extracted to the application of nanotechnology. In engineering implemented modern techniques to get the metal and metal materials modified additives of carbides, nitrides, characterized by unique performance properties, in particular high resistance to corrosion and wear in different temperature regimes.

For example, significant qualitative changes in the field of microelectronics can be realized only when using new semiconductor materials that can be extracted with the application of nanotechnology. In engineering there are implemented modern techniques to get the metal and metal materials modified additives of carbides, nitrides, characterized by unique performance properties, in particular high resistance to corrosion and wear in different temperature regimes.

In the energy sector substantial achievements are possible only because of the depth of understanding of chemical characteristics of the combustion process, principles of management processes at the kinetic characteristics of the use of multifunctional compounds that stabilize combustion processes, prevent the formation of scale in boilers, reduce wear.

Also one of the important aspects of chemical education is environmental. Future process engineers during the design development have not only to qualitatively learn patterns of physical and chemical processes and acquire skills to manage their optimum mode, but at the same time learn how to prevent man-made human impact on natural processes and master the methods of controlling potential sources of pollution by harmful substances .

But the allocation of a small volume of credits to the study of much-needed fundamental disciplines such as chemistry, or a complete lack of it as a subject in the curriculum of some technical bachelor degree, as well as the improper attitude of students to pass the final control action (there is no exam for the discipline "Chemistry") does not guarantee the formation of modern versatile development specialist.

International and national activities in 2011, which is the resolution of the 63rd UN General Assembly proclaimed the Year of Chemistry, should raise people's awareness about the importance of chemistry and its contributions to the system of fundamental knowledge and the role of this branch of natural science in ensuring the successful and effective solutions the following issues: development and implementation of innovative processes in the sphere of material production of artificial materials with various important properties; compliance with environmental requirements in the new technological processes, the creation of closed production cycles and waste technologies, theoretical foundation and development of energy-saving technologies, modernization of existing facilities; providing a growing world population reliable sources of clean water, energy, food production and building materials industry, as well as the formation of an appropriate environment for the health of people.

Consequently, the expansion and improvement of chemical training of  Bachelors in the university can not only ensure the creation of high-quality ideological base, but at the same time becomes a factor in the successful implementation of engineering design solutions and technological "know-how".

Modern progress is impossible without chemistry!

O.P.Kachorovska, Senior teacher, A.V.Pidgorny, Ph.D., Assoc. Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry