Correctly choosing a profession, you determine its future destiny, student of fifth year Vladimir Dmitruk IEE year is sure. After graduating from the Moscow school, Vladimir perfectly passed the entrance exams and was admitted to study at MDTU named after M.E. Bauman. And Ukrainian by birth, he sought to serve his country to join the improvement of its scientific potential, so decided to go to the best technical universities in Ukraine. So Vladimir became a student of NTUU "KPI". Of the many qualifications offered by the Kyiv Polytechnic, the young man chose most worthy - engineer -electrician.

Now Vladimir Dmitruk - undergraduate of automation of electromechanical systems. Also gets the second degree in the direction of cybernetic on FMM . Boy is not only capable and curious, but also very conscientious and hardworking. During training received many awards: certificates for participation and prizes in competitions in higher mathematics among students of IEE, a diploma for third place in the competition among the students of the TOE "KPI", diploma for participation and second place in the National Olympiad of work and life safety among universities in Ukraine . In the second year V.Dmytruk received scholarships Professor V.M.Vynoslavskoho in this academic year scholarship became deputy of Ukraine D.Andriyevskoho and scholarships awarded Rector of NTUU "KPI".

He has the research paper "Graphene: Material Of The Future", which was made at the VIII International Student Conference "Innovations In Science And Technology" on PL. He graduated from the military department, became shavetail lieutenant of the reserve. Fluent in English, Polish and French. With high achievement in teaching , Vladimir still finds time to favorite things. He is a team player with a dormitory football. Participated in the National Christian football tournament in Odessa. Annually compete for the championship in a paintball team IEE . Cooperates with the administration and student organizations institute. Vladimir is sensitive , sincere , friendly, outspoken person. Generous with good advice can listen and help. Students and teachers respected him for these and many other.

Vladimir hopeful about the future and wants students to pay less attention to the problem: " With the development of technical progress we have forgotten about the social aspects of life, forget the live communication among friends and acquaintances. Often use a variety of gadgets or laptops. So I would like to wish every one of us forgot about the warm welcome which could be more. Meet more often in the real world! "

O.Babichenko , V.Losyeva , students IEE