I hear and then decompose... the sound tones into the Fourier series. The infant quicklier responds to the voice of his mother than the father. Why is it so? It is elementary: the newborns frequency range is narrowed and the peak of it is the range of the female voice. Sometimes the hearing deteriorates with age. Is the world diminishing? No, just outer hair cells of our ears - receptors auditory and vestibular system – can be damaged and we lost the ability to decompose the sounds. That is why we can no longer distinguish similar colors and are not able to understand the words. In this case we do not have to yell, just speak clearly and slowly - and we will be able to hear. On March, 22 Ruben Tikidzhi-Hamburyan the permanent coordinator and the lecturer of "Neuroscience" summer school AACIMP, Senior Fellow neurocybernetic Institute of Southern Federal University (Russia), a visiting researcher at the Center for Health Sciences Louisiana State University (USA) delivered a lecture " computational neuroscience: the opening of lines of code, "which was about all the above mentioned and many more on neuroscience and other scientific things. We thank SSA KPI for planning this event.

Opening lines like code?

It is similar to ... "the opening at the tip of the pen" of the planet Neptune.Why in lines of code? According to Dr. Tikidzhi-Hamburyan, computational neuroscience that is the code (software - EK), and that is why the majority of discoveries is "in lines of a code." All these explains the title of the lecture. Camillo Golgi and Santiago Ramon Cajal are the scientists who made the discovery of the neuron at the end of the XIX century and the neuroscience appeared owing to them. In the XX century the researches were made with the help of the computers. This happened because ...

Neuroscience is the first and the only discipline in the world, which object and the tool of study is the same -the brain examines the brain. It is clear that this fact confines the researchers. Therefore was the idea to introduce a model code as a research method. This meant the transformation to the computational neuroscience (Computational Neuroscience), which emerged as a separate science in the 80s of last century. The proposed method allows the investigation to be made beyond the object of analysis and additionally base on the power of the computer. The software packages like Genesis, Neuron and XPP are for the scientists of such kind, according to the lecturer, the encoding can not be called as the perfect tool as it does not solve the problem of noise and slowness of neurons, the axons oscillation on the prior length, the deformity of the input signal. But this situation was changed by math ...

"If you buy a squid in the seafood store..." Then cut it and you will see a giant axon in the middle, which is similar to that one brought Alan Hodgkin and Andrew Huxley Nobel Prize in 1963 for creating a mathematical model describing the electrical mechanisms leading to the generation and transmission of nerve signals in ... a giant squid axon.
"The computational neuroscience will not allow you become apathetic." There quite a lot articles about the studies of biological basis of neural processes. And if I am bored with the biology I will study the integrals.

“Do not let yourself degrade this summer”

For the brain to work well, it must be continuously loaded. But what to do with the brain in summer? You can also study this brain at the Stream "Neuroscience" at the summer school AACIMP-2013. For seven full years of the project the unique team of teachers was created. Among them Professor John Rinzel-the scientist who was at the forefront of computational neuroscience in the U.S. In his lectures he explains the essence of use of the differential equations in the Hodgkin-Huxley model. And yet Professor Peter Erdi-who gives the information about computing neuropharmacology and the sociology (and much more), Professor Vitaly Dunin-Barkovskii is the scientist who took part in the field of computational neuroscience in the USSR, Dr. Ruben Tikidzhi-Hambur 'yang. Two other STREAM Summer School AACIMP-2013 - "Operations Research" (Operational Research - OR) and "Applied Computer Science" (Applied Computer Science - ACS). This year OR focus on financial mathematics (Financial Mathematics) and Logistics Management (Supply Chain Management). And ACS - stream, which form the basis for workshops - on machine learning (machine learning) and artificial intelligence (artificial intelligence).So, do not miss the chance: VIII Summer School AACIMP this year, traditionally in the "KPI" on 1 to 17 August . Organizers of the project, SSA KPI invite everyone to participate in such kind of event as listeners or volunteers.

Eugene Kuhuk, SSA KPI

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