January 7 marks the 80th anniversary of the birth of Honored Scientist of Ukraine, member of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Alexandrovich Hristich (01/07/1929 - 04/06/2005) - a famous scientist in the field of power engineering and physics of combustion processes. All labor and creative life prof. V.O.Hristicha was inseparably linked with the KPI, from which he graduated in 1950, and where he worked as an engineer, assistant, associate professor, professor, department chairman and dean of the Faculty of heat and power, pro-rector for educational and methodical work (1979- 1988), scientific Head of Research Division of Combustion Problems (1988-1998), Professor, Department of thermal power plants thermal and nuclear power FHPE (from 1988 until the last days of his life).

Research interests of Professor VA Hristich have been associated with the development of transport and energy gas turbine engines and covered very wide range of issues: the development of rational organization of means of combustion at high and variable surplus of air, creating a gas turbine and combined cycle combustion chambers, improving the efficiency of the processes of mixing, stabilizing combustion, the reliability of the fuel-burning equipment , reducing emissions into the atmosphere of toxic combustion products, thermal neutralization of harmful industrial emissions, conversion of aircraft engines for natural gas, "substitution" of natural gas alternative hydrocarbon fuels natural and industrial origin, and others.

V.A.Hristich has chosen the scientific direction under the influence of two prominent scientists - graduates KPI: general designer of aircraft engines, Academician A.M. Lulka and the head of the Department of steam and gas turbines KPI, organizer and leader of the Institute of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences power system, long-term head of the Department of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences academician I.T.Shvets. Under the supervision of the latter a graduate student V.A.Hristich prepared and defended his PhD thesis on solving important scientific problem of aircraft engine combustion chamber to create evaporative type. Professor V.O.Hristich considered these scientists his teachers and with mutual sympathy cooperated fruitfully with them for many years.

In 1960, when there was a need for the development of gas turbine energy and industrial use, in accordance with the Resolution of the Council of Ministers № 198 "On further development of gas turbine in the USSR" KPI has been included in the co-executor of the number of organizations-founders of the main sample gas turbine and combined cycle. The Gas Turbine Research Laboratory was organized at FHPE in KPI. At this time, there began research and development to create a jet stream-stabilizer and stabilizer diffusion-combustion technologies.

Due to the rapid development in the USSR gasindustrial and gas transportation systems there was a need to expand the variety of gas turbine compressor stations and requirements to enhance their effectiveness. In this situation, the Gas Turbine Laboratory started a new trend in the USSR - the conversion of aircraft gas turbine engines for ground targets, during which, in particular, aircraft engines because of the deficit of jet fuel were transferred to other, more affordable fuel. As a result of scientific and technical developments there were converted to natural gas turbine (turboprop) engines Zaporozhye aircraft engine plant (now - "Motor Sich"): AI-20A, 20D-AI, AI-20K, AI-24, and eventually was the redeployment of gas many others (at the time) type of aircraft gas turbine engines RD-500, RD-45, VC-1, D-25, SC-12, RD-3M-500.

The period of 1980-1990 was marked by a broad scientific and technical cooperation with academic, industry and design institutes, factories turbine construction, energy and industry, which culminated in the creation of standard designs heat generators wide industrial use and provided their successful implementation in various industries. . In 1988, on the basis of SRI Gas Turbine KPI there was established research and development department (RDD) problems of combustion and fuel efficiency, which was led by V.F.Hristich.

In the 1990-2000 there was conducted the scientific and technical evaluation of the effectiveness of the tubular combustion technology gaseous fuels, performed research and development in the field of energy efficiency, providing energy and environmental security of energy facilities, systems and areas, including research and development in the field of energy recovery systems forced to exhaust GTU and the creation of autonomous heating plants for municipal power.

In recent years, under the guidance of prof. V.O.Hristicha in NTUU "KPI" there was done a large volume of research on the development of efficient combustion technologies of alternative fuels - coal bed methane, biogas, rapeseed oil and its mixture with diesel fuel, as well as research aimed at developing ways and means to improve environmental safety GTU and PSU, including hybridization workflow combustion chambers; step and stepwise combustion; catalytic combustion of hydrocarbon fuels; "wet" suppressing the emission of toxic nitrogen oxides. In addition, there was done a wide range of universal developments of heat generators for industrial, municipal and agricultural use, thermal and catalytic thermal reactors to neutralize harmful industrial emissions.

Until the last days of his life prof. V.A.Hristich was a tireless advocate for the use of energy in advanced scientific developments, including gas turbine equipment. Now the book is written by him in collaboration with G.B.Varlamovim fundamental monograph "Gas turbines: History and Prospects", which was published after the death of Vlardimir Alexandrovich serves this goal.

G.M.Lyubchik, prof, doctor technical sciences.