On August 19, 2020, the outstanding Ukrainian scientist, man-legend Academician Borys Yevhenovych Paton passed away…

His fate is connected with Kyiv Polytechnic Institute from the very first days of his life. The ancient Paton family is so well known that there is even a line of research - patonknowledge. Numerous persons from Paton family held senior positions in the military and civilian services of the Russian Empire.

Borys Yevhenovych was born in the professor's apartment of a bridge-builder scientistYevhen Paton and Nataliya Paton,on the territory of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, was baptized in the Institute Church of St. Mary Magdalene and spent his childhood in a scientific institute environment.

"Entering Kyiv Polytechnic, it was as if I was returning home. I was very lucky. I studied at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute when a whole galaxy of scientists taught there. These are mathematicians Kravchuk, Smogorzhevskyi, Zmorovych, mechanics Steierman, Belyankin, Kilchevskyi. ”
B. Ye. Paton

[The full version of material is in Ukrainian language]

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