Recommended for publication by the Board of the Council of the Vice‐Rectors for Science and Research of the Universities and Directors of the Scientific Institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the March 29, 2018.

Innovative solutions of universities and scientific institutions of MES of Ukraine / Group of authors under the general editorship of M. Strikha and M. Ilchenko. – К.: Publishing House of the Gifted Child Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2018. – 278 p.

The compendium contains the product descriptions of 240 scientific and technical innovations of the universities which correspond to the promising directions of domestic economy and illustrate creative function of science at higher education institutions dealing with cutting‐edge high‐tech products development. The information concerning the experience of universities in the innovations commercialization and transfer of technologies to domestic and foreign markets is also outstanding and newsworthy.

For senior government officials, innovative business, manufacturing, as well as experts interested in issues related to organizing of innovative activities in Ukraine.