Together with the 120th anniversary of the University, the Student Council celebrates its 20th anniversary. In 1998, just a few people paid attention to the student initiative, not knowing about its important role in the further activities of the university.

The reform of the higher education, the democratization of social relations in the country significantly expanded the students' self-government, made it possible for the young generation to be involved into managing student life at educational establishments. Making students more independent, increasing their responsibility for the quality of the educational process is the feature of the democratization of educational establishments.

Student’ self-government is multidimensional and can be seen in educational, organizational and research work, in organization of student sympoziums, conferences, seminars, organization of students’ everyday life and leisure time, their participation in protection of public order on the territory of the university. The potential of students is huge and, without a doubt, it should be effectively used.

The activity of the bodies of students’ self-government will be effective only in case the student council are democratically developed at all levels. The student's surroundings do not obey any idolological superstitions and limitations of the past. One can only think and freely express his thoughts. Student Council of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute today is a student organization that unites all students of our university. It is the Student Council that combines all the components: educational, scientific, innovative, sporting and cultural.

[The full version of material is in Ukrainian language]