The axiom - who has information that rules the world nowadays more relevant than ever. Information is a valuable commodity, and owning it turns holder information ruler situation. This is not vysokoparni constructs that somehow have to emphasize the uniqueness and importance of the case, and today's reality.

If we consider the information in terms of socially significant role, its powerful resources, we can say that it makes it possible to react adequately and provide a variety of processes and events.

Social educational management based on a new paradigm of governance on the basis of which come from new principles and approaches. One of the key success factors in the management of higher education institution today is the ability to innovate and mobilize their resources to address the new challenges arising in connection with the reform of the education system. Innovation becomes a factor in survival, stability and prospects of universities, allowing productive work in continuously changing environment.

Of particular importance to guide universities acquires social responsibility both to the student and teaching staff, and the community as a whole. This means that the mission of the university system of values ​​must meet the public interest. In this regard sotsi¬alnyy management aspect comes to the fore.

It should strive to communications that shape the educational process for all students, faculty and staff, a clear definition of the problems and prospects for achieving targets. This is achieved by bringing the team to a shared goal setting and vid¬pratsyuvannya decisions zastosu¬vannyam democratic style

management, building effective feedback.

Polls among other tools enable accurately, deeply and comprehensively analyze the situation at the university, moral and psychological climate, overall management style, moral values ​​of students, the level of organizational culture, relations of teachers and students, the quality of education. Their results are a kind of mirror that clearly reflected and achieved

successes and the shortcomings. Moreover, such research can be called a universal source of information for the management of the university, they not only detect various kinds of problems, illuminating them, so to speak, from the inside, but also show effective means of solving them.

The types of sociological data are complex interactions, due to the interaction of the theoretical and empirical levels so¬tsiolohiyi. Instrumental information includes a description and explanation of various concrete expressions of general laws formulated in the conceptual and theoretical information. Conceptual and theoretical infor¬matsiya defines logic and scheme, under which formed arrays tool information. The practice of social management in education in most cases uses instrumental sociological information. In fact this type of information is important compliance requirements that apply to the management of social media.

Obviously, in order to meet the information sociological information needs of university governance requires a long process and aims of this channel of information that focuses on constantly updated informa-tion technology and new trends in the development of applied social research. In "KPI" sociological information system software has long acquired the complex nature and carried out on a regular basis.

Our University - a world in the world. The world with its actors, their expectations and experiences with their processes and events, with their problems, after all. Explore and learn that our world can be made in different ways. The level of training of students examines teacher using offset or exam, statistical section examines the dynamics of the various quantitative and qualitative indicators of our university, but fast and accurate "picture" of any process or event that has occurred or will occur in the future in our university, and the how it will react to our "Souss-ety," available through spe¬tsialista such as so¬tsioloh. In "KPI" sociological component of the software management activities za¬bezpechuye Research Center of Applied Sociology "SocioPlus", which is part of the Faculty so¬tsiolohiyi. Range investigated problems quite wide: from sotsi¬alno political preferences of students to study on corruption (by the way, on largest in Ukraine) at the university. However, it should be noted that opinion polls - a process key to success is to the effective cooperation of all stakeholders (directly research team, the customer (which primarily serves the administration of the university / faculty) of the respondents (students, teachers, employees) and understanding of each of the parties the importance and usefulness of the information that as a result of this interaction is obtained. It should be emphasized that sociological research provides feedback between the university administration and students of "KPI". The university has become a tradition to carry out sociological monitoring of actual problems of students that living in hostels, do research value orientations of students, students identify opinion on the quality of educational services provided by the departments. these and other problems are reflected in the relevant management solutions leadership University.

In our view, sociological information can be useful and included in the process of management decisions at the university if the following two conditions: firstly, the university is able vykorystovu¬vaty sociological information effectively; Second, the information available is high quality and meets certain requirements defined by the rules of the university. In our university both conditions are met in full.