In early 1899 the management of the Institute appealed to the State Property Management of Southwestern part with request to send from forest seedlings and seeds. From Fastovsky Forestry they had received wild chestnut seedlings from Berdichev - bark, from Yuzvynskoho (station Kalinivka) - lime, from Cherkasy - other trees. The following year, seedlings obtained from the university botanical garden and horticulture Christer Vladimir in Kiev. In 1900, led by Professor P. Slozkina made planning alleys and lanes.

Planning was decided to be in landscape style. The main compositional axis is transverse Park avenue of chestnut trees, originating from Victory Avenue opposite the entrance to the zoo. This alley on a gentle slope leads to the main building of the institute. Before it disclosed to the side of the park created a huge Cour d'honneur spacious landscaped orchestra, supplemented by five slender fir trees in front of the main facade of the building. The three-story main road system supplemented alley along the long axis of the park and several walking winding alleys in its depth. Along Victory Avenue paved alley extra 5 meters wide, lined with chestnut trees suitable for pedestrians. From the roadway is separated wide strip of lawn parterre supplemented by the highway with hedge shrubs. The park contains 25 species plantations, the main ones are linden, maple and silver, spruce, oak, chestnut, birch, acacia white elm, poplar, ash. There are also instances of adult Weymouth pine, larch group.

In the northeastern part of the park, in front of the Victory Avenue near the Metro 1967 monument faculty, staff and students of Polytechnic Institute who died during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.