By such principle lives Anastasia Kabanova 6 year IHF student. She studies well, and is active in her public life. For four years she had been a head of group. In this semester her purse will get much bigger, as the student is to get a scholarship of the rector of NTUU "KPI of Igor Sikorsky".

Behind all of that - years of studying and her master's work awaits ahead. She works at the department of automation of chemical productions (AHV) under a scientific management PhD in Technological Sciences D.O.Kovalyuka. Its work is devoted to automation of process of receipt of an oxide of ethylene. Its derivatives found broad application for synthesis of antifreezes, synthetic fibers, textile substances, synthetic rubbers, plastics, in case of production and oil refining and so forth.

For today production volumes of an oxide of ethylene make about five million tons and annually increase. Therefore before the chemical industry there is a question to develop ways of simplification of receipt of this product, reduction of costs for its production and improvement of product quality, it also is considered by the student in this work.

Anastasia likes expression: "You can count only on youself. If you want to achieve something in life, you make efforts for it and you believe in yourself, everything surely will happen", and she tries to follow such principles in life.

The student speaks about university with thanks: "KPI helped to be determined with future specialization, promoted development of my leadership skills and so forth. I want to express the gratitude to all to teachers of AHV department as they gave me huge knowledge for years of training in KPI and promoted development in the scientific sphere".

The girl finds time for daily yoga which give her a great pleasure. She is interested in psychology, foreign languages, extreme sports, hotel business, etc. Therefore there are all bases to hope that in the future Anastasia will find a good use for the knowledge and interests.

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