58 years of his life was held in the KPI. And this is the lion's share of the stages of formation and disclosure of the best qualities of the personality, scientist, teacher and public figure. On the occasion of this, without exaggeration, a significant date, we offer the contemporary view that he wrote "Kyiv Polytechnic" about V. I. Molchanov for the last 35 years. Why 35? Because in 1981, Vitaly Molchanov was elected as Vice-President of the trade Union Committee of KPI and began a truly public activity due to which we know him well and respect.

"Man in his place. The stories of activists" ("Soviet engineer”, №30 (1250), Friday, 4 Dec 1981, L. Skorokhodko).

The opposite man talking, thinking. And when looked at me, I saw in her eyes sincere, friendly, with a small, barely noticeable lights...

Vitaly Molchanov considers that his autobiography is normal. Yes, indeed. Unless he dreamed about learning, higher education in the childhood? After school he carried the documents in the KPI on the radiofaculty. He became a student. Later RTF was separated from the faculty of radio – electronics (electronic engineering), which he graduated in 1964. For the first time at the University he began to worry about the secrets and mysteries of scientific research that he wanted to find the answer by himself. Then he began often to visit the Department of dielectrics and semiconductors. From courses, which was given to students, he loved especially technical physics and physics of dielectrics. Then, it was stationary studies.

In 1970 he defended his thesis. The Department of dielectrics and semiconductors came a young officer, familiar to all since the student’s ages.

1976 – became a member of the trade union Bureau of the faculty, Chairman of trade Union of FET, after 5 years Deputy Dean. In 1981 he was elected Vice-Chairman of the local Committee of KPI.

For Vitaly Ivanovich every hour counts as two hours. Because every day chores and worries, but less time.

As a scientist, he leads a group, which is deals with the study of electrical properties of acousto – and electro-optic materials. Associate Professor of the Department of dielectrics and semiconductors, V. I. Molchanov reads to student audience course of "Statistical physics and quantum mechanics, Semiconductor devices, Physics of semiconductor devices", etc. and ib the faculty training course he declare "Physical bases of electronics of solids".

Vice-Dean – When V. I. Molchanov begins to tell about this period of his life, the timbre of his voice become softens, warms. With them, students, he had associated many pleasant and joyful moments, as well, as experiences. The students of the faculty of electronic engineering rewarded Molchanov for the care, genuine concern, because so much time and effort he gave them. The faculty has become a tradition: during agricultural work, the Deputy Dean of the V. I. Molchanov and Y. S. Bruises are sure to come to the students, interested in the status of their cases and bring an indispensable gift – Kyiv cake

Someone will think: really, person is lucky in life. No complications, unpleasant situations. Vitaly just smiles. Is that possible to live without problems and difficulties? But real happiness in his life, indeed, became the people, whom he met: G. M. Nekrasov, N. With. Ilchenko, Yu. M. Poplavko ...

Time flies unstoppable flow. At work the time becoming less and less. Former player and fan of football, now Vitaly increasingly plays it mentally, sitting in front of the TV. And only sometimes when he have free minute, likely can "revive old" – to drive the ball together with his son Eugene, who is twelve–year–old. Eugene is a sixth grader, and he already has his preferences. So, the boy is more attracted to the Humanities, particularly history. And the father is not forcing the son of his opinion. He must to be independent and to choose a profession should by his own. The final word will tell the future, but now Vitaly and Eugene, happy to go to Bank of the Dnieper to take a walk, breathe fresh air, to dream, to think every Sunday. But job is still the most favorite activity V. Molchanova during the holidays. He can not without it, even in free time.

Our conversation with Vitaly Molchanov was ended. On his Desk lay an open book, which he apparently read during your lunch break. I asked her name. On its blue cover, written in large letters: "Handbook of trade Union activist". Vitaly explained:

– I decided to learn a little bit. The newly elected Deputy Secretary of the local Committee of KPI. Responsibility...

Prudence and responsibility are probably the basis of the human qualities of a professional, ownership of which allows you to be successful and useful in the cause for which you undertake. But did Vitaly Ivanovich know, how firmly and how long it will entice a Union job?! It took less than seven years, and experienced trade unionist – the Chairman of trade – talks about "Care for today and the future" (“Kiev Politechnic”, No21 (2038), Thursday, may 26, 1988):

On the eve of the conference at which the trade–Union Committee of KPI will report to labour collective about their work in light of the requirements of the restructuring high schools, the last resolutions of the party and the government, our correspondent Leonid Bykov met with the Chairman of the trade Union Committee of KPI V. I. Molchanov and asked to answer some questions.

– Vitaly Ivanovich, in recent years significantly expanded the functions of trade Union Bureau faculties and departments .... What place in the life of the Institute staff now occupy the bodies of the trade Union?

– Functions of the Union were traditional – take care about workers, protection of their interests, health care, leisure, working and lives conditions of all members of the team. In recent years significantly expanded the rights of primary trade Union organization. The trade Union of the faculties and departments have the right to determine the structure profgroup, to solve questions of withdrawal and registration, to distribute vouchers which provide financial assistance to their employees, to give sanction and dismissal, and the like. The main requirement for their activities is the full transparency of work.....

– Are You satisfied with the organization of socialist competition at the University? And in General, the idea of competition in the non-manufacturing sector did not became formal?

– It is one of the most challenging problems in our industry. Profkom KPI has already done much to simplify the system of summarizing, the reduction of the formalism in the commitments, increasing the benefits of socialist competition. For example, we recommended to abandon the individual of social obligations. Do you agree that creative work is difficult to plan for the year. Almost half (to 13) reduced the number of indicators in the competition between departments, the results are announced semiannually, not quarterly as before. This year the Institute has the opportunity to reward the winners not only morally, but also financially. Is created a bonus Fund ...

– In an interview with the Chairman of the trade Union, probably we can not ignore the housing problem. SWC, restoration of the housing Fund of the Institute, the construction of new homes... can you, please, clarity this case.

– Now in the queue for housing is 245 employees of KPI. The administration of the works use all opportunities to solve the housing problem. The construction of a 165-unit building on Victory Avenue is started, at the end of the year will be put into operation 70-apartment cooperative adobes on the Botkin street. In Novo-Bilychi organized SWC enterprises in Oktyabrsky district. Participation in construction can make the employees standing in the queue for housing, under the age of 35 years. From our Institute have applied to 14 people. But many questions arose: how to work on a construction site with a part-time basis, scientists will be able to temporarily leave the research etc...

– How do you feel about the organization of the Service of the family?

– It is a good idea. Because in our team works many lonely people (according to the women's Council, more than 30% of all women). And a direct obligation of the Union is to help them find a partner in life, to organize a full-fledged leisure and generally support the family to enhance its prestige.

– The holiday period become closer. In the heat of passion around trips...

– Spa vouchers are allocated by a Committee of the Union at the rate of 1 ticket for 100 members. They get employees who are on account of the trade Union Committee of KPI in connection with medical diagnoses. To the resorts of Mirgorod, Poltava, Kiev region, we have the virtually opportunity to provide everyone throughout the year., no more than 4-5 trips during the year is at the resorts of Crimea and Caucasus.

Unfortunately,we have not so many people who wish to relax in the summer, even if you can improve health at any time of the year. Sometimes unsold permits is possible to exchange with other organizations, but it is a small percentage.

In boarding house "the lighthouse" stands for 1 ticket for 18 members of the Union, and in the boarding house "Pine" – on 11-12. Every year in the hotel "Mayak" is resting approximately 950 people in Sosnovyy – 1000.

The changes in the faculty list of those wishing to receive them is complicate the allocation of permits. Often coworkers bring in “Mayak” children up to 4 years, which is prohibited by health code. Tourists are not satisfied with the level of the cultural work, as sports equipment. This season has already purchased a lot of radio equipment, fitness equipment, sports equipment, and impressions of tourists, I think, will change.

Clearly that the concerns of that then is very common to todays problems. Although their shape is changed, there is 10-30% of sanatorium-resort vouchers, socialist competition Samnites numerous individual and collective ratings, family values have changed the emphasis, and some Service functions the family performs the social network. However, simple values and human needs are the most important. Because effective work depends not only on the size of the material incentives, but also from the atmosphere in the team, stability, decent rest and leisure. And how many years have passed, and the names that came to replace the century-old "solidarity funds", the functions of the trade Union organization is always needed, because care and support are the eternal categories of civilizations.

Meanwhile, another trade Union report and election conference were approaching and the University decided "Who should be Chairman of the trade Union. Program applicants" (“Kiev Politechnic”, No34 (2094), Thursday, 26 Oct 1989).

The draft of programm of activities of the trade Union Committee of the KPI in 1990-1991, which was published in the previous issue of the newspaper "Kyiv Polytechnic" and it is my platform in this election campaign, since the development of this project I was directly involved. I believe that the main activities of the Union should be:

– protection of rights and interests of employees, their social security, for this it is necessary to combine the Commission and production and wages to the Commission for the protection of workers ' interests;

– the conclusion of a collective agreement that will serve as the legal basis of the relationship between the administration and trade Union;

– the transfer of rights of the trade Union Bureau faculties, departments, services, and increase their financial independence until the compilation of the estimates of expenditure for the Union budget and the Fund of scientific-technical and social development;

– the provision to trade Union activists the sufficient time to undertake trade Union work with pay saving, as well as to provide in the Union budget the expenditure for a partial payment for their labor;

– the issue of reducing the length of the workweek for women to 1 hour or one weekend per month, upon availability of production capacity at the request of women the introduction of "flexible" work schedule of going to work, the granting of partially paid the vacation to care for a child until the child reaches 3 years of age; increased length of vacation for these categories of employees up to 24 days, regardless of specialty and position;

– to create in the KPI the existing States of the Department of social and cultural life. This will allow to focus the attention of departments and services of the Institute on solution the problem with housing, maintenance and development of recreation facilities, medical service, catering, development of the network tables of orders, the provision of sanitation and health activities;

– to increase the salaries of low-paid categories of employees academic auxiliary and technical staff, the abolition of restrictions on the payment of pensions to working pensioners, pensions and benefits state social insurance not only for the main job, but part-time, the increase in holiday employees who have scientific degrees and titles;

–  the close cooperation with other public organizations of the Institute, occupying a constructive position in the issues of protection of employees interests in labour, social and spiritual spheres.

This is probably one of the few pre-election programs that were fully implemented in life. Moreover, some of its provisions even at the legislative level, but others – and the remaining sections of the Collective agreement of the University and the statutes of the trade Union of workers of education. But it's still a few things of our hero of the day – persistence, consistency and perseverance from the promises made.

Many people in the country have long believed that Kiev Polytechnic Institute is seer state changes. What went KPI concerning innovations in education and educational approaches in budgeting their financial activities, information management functions, innovation in the science and principles of civil society, Ukraine and its institutions will survive only in retrospect. No wonder KPI was considered and still consider a source of manpower with a strong tradition for the economy and industry of the state. Those crisis phenomena, which are saturated with the past years of independence, once again proving that "the Rescue of drowning – the handiwork... of the Union?" (“Kiev Politechnic”, No3 (2266), Thursday, 20 January 1994 A. Kachanov).

… trade unions of Ukraine has sat at the negotiating table with the government party for negotiating the General agreement on socio-economic issues in 1994. It was primarily about the ways out of the crisis and the social protection of the population in the conditions of hyperinflation.

They talked and parted on good word, having reached a certain understanding... And 2-3 December in spite of these agreements, the government adopted the following resolution, which significantly worsened the financial situation of the absolute majority of the population. In addition, the government hid the information from the people and Verkhovna Rada about the real extent of the growth of food prices, transport fares and services (3-5-8 times).

Adopted in haste ill-conceived dimensions of the border security, minimum wage and other "safeguards" not only are deprived of a proactive nature, but even do not compensate the rise in cost of living since the previous (September) the price increase. Therefore, it is already clear that the living standards of working people will decrease by at least half. Again the incompetent economic policy of the state is calculated.

In this situation, the trade unions walked out of talks on drafting a master agreement... And sent "Objection" to the government... And what is the position of the trade unions of workers of education and science of Ukraine? – with this question we addressed to the Chairman of trade-Union Committee of KPI V. I. Molchanov.

– Attitude the idea of strike from the employees of our industry is ambiduous. Much depends from the funding. Thus, for example, schools and pre-school institutions are financed from the local budget, therefore, the shortages of salary, as we do, they didn't have and with payments for electricity, utilities and the like, they have a different picture. Regarding the universities that "feed" from the national budget, the situation is much more complicated.

… we have a increasing number of unpaid bills for energy, utilities, therefore violated the normal sanitary-hygienic mode. And what most importantly – social protection from the state does not suit to today's working people. And even more recently many of the teachers of KPI have become "millionaires", this salary is enough only for bread, but not on decent clothes for decent person, and other "little things" of life such as rent, transport, cultural and spiritual needs...

But there is one thing to talk about their dissatisfaction in the corridors, and quite another – is to fight for their rights for a better life, with consciousness. The methods can be various: demonstrations, picketing, rallies, strikes.

What concerning the consciousness – it does not always work here. Several times was like this: the trade Union organization put forward a proposal, say, to picket Verkhovna Rada – all voted in "favour". But as it came down to do something, in the pickets stood Molchanov and two or three of the Chairman of the trade Union of Kyiv universities…

Education has lost its social value, the prestige of scientific and pedagogical activities is fell. These circumstances led to the turnover of teachers, the Exodus of specialists into commercial structures.

To prevent further aggravation of social conflict, the trade unions need to take action. Among them is the demand for a moratorium on the adoption the decisions on increase of food prices, revision of the boundaries of poverty, the resumption of indexation of money incomes of the population and other social protection measures….

So, to be or not to be a strike and how we must live now everyone decide for itself, as we will do in the March parliamentary elections.

Dear students, does not it remind you the present’s day? 22 years have passed, and approaches in the government offices to the fate of working people has not changed – to tear the person off. So now the organization, which is headed by Vitaly, encourages each employee of KPI to actively Express their discontent by participating in regular, but not less than protests in early November against the increase of utility tariffs and inappropriate wages.

And yet, the pages have numerous interviews, the news from the meetings of the Union, reports from the protests and rallies, greetings for anniversaries, wonderful words of thanks and even poems. And in between – the stages grateful everyday work and family comfort, dissertations students, representing the interests of the University and its employees in courts, press conferences, the birth of a grandson, the beloved country, where there are plenty of articles, textbook and monograph, the meeting of the Presidium of the city Committee, Central Committee, talks to mi-nstartup. Responsibility…

Talked Mikhail Bezugly, assistant Professor of PBF

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