In September 2015, in the KPI tower, the event that changed the literary life of our university took place – the LitVezha project came into the world. Boys and girls, students of KPI(and not only them) started helding theme nights devoted word of art.

The evenings, already held there, were devoted to the scandalous culture of the XX century, Kuzma’s commemoration, and even to poetry in "gopniks’" everyday life

We asked Bogdan Glyvynskyy, the founder of the project, how the project was created and what awaits it in the future.

  – How did the idea of LitVezha arrear?

– Actually, it was spontaneously.The very idea of a creative platform for the youth at the Art Space "Vezha" had been maturing for a long time. For the first time, it became clear at the opening of the exhibition "I want to the seaside" October 9, 2014, where in collaboration with artists-organizators (Tanya Kalyuzhna, Daria Lutsyshyn and Anastasia Kryzhanivska) a literary evening was held, which later became the catalyst for the founding of the LitVezha. The results of this very event showed great interest of the public and the need for existence of such format of leisure for the KPI students (and not only for them). In a yeear, my friends asked me to organize another event in the tower, and no one expected the proposed concept to be liked by so many people. A simple idea turned into a project with a team, loving their job.

Were there any Ukrainian or foreign projects, that inspired you create LitVezha?

– Actually, the appearance of this organization wasn’t related to other similar studies or platforms influence. We were not focused on something specific, as originally LitVezha was experimental.

Where are you looking for daily inspiration?

–In the public. People motivate to act and to continue improving. Communication with them enriches each of us spiritually, generating new ideas and developing innovative thinking.

- Does the project have its mission? What  are youbringing to the world?

- Perhaps, no project will be successful without a purpose, as aimless existence is meaningless.

So, on the one hand, the LitVezha is a platform for personal, spiritual and creative growth, giving everyone the opportunity to fulfill themselves in different roles. On the other hand, it’s a cultural tool with the help of which we deal with affordable education, develop the love of art, encourage to go beyond their own stereotypes and do good.

– What do you see the LitVezha like in some years?

– We hope that in a few years the LitVezha movement will fully embrace Ukraine and will benefit all the people indifferent to the culture!

Dariya Yuzhakova, PPI student