During this semester a five year student of FEA, from the department of automation of electromechanical systems and electric drive (AEMS-EP) Oleksiy Melnyk receives rectorial scholarship. The youth advances carefully and consistently to the future profession. Firstly he graduated from Druzhkivska engineering school. For further education he chose KPI. Now he successfully studies, he is engaged in research and is an activist of the faculty.

The magistrand participared in many conferences and has eight publications in professional journals. His sphere of scientific interests includes power electronics, wireless technology in industrial and electric control systems based on modern microprocessor systems. The head of department AEMS-EP, Ph.D., professor S.M.Peresada supervises magistrand’s research work. He has 187 publications, 150 of which are scientific. Under his leadership the student explores modern control systems DC motors. These systems are one of the research areas that teachers and students of AEMS-EP explore.

As part of the degree project O.Melnyk developed a laboratory setting for the study of modern electric of DC by Siemens. The results of work are important for further use in training in "Electromechanical automation systems and electric".

Oleksiy is interested in modern digital and power electronics. As a result, he was invited to introductory training for young professionals, organized by the American company "Jabil" that is one of the three leading electronics manufacturers and has 45 factories in 20 countries and produces devices for Apple HP, Thomson, Nokia, Philips. As a true student of KPI he has an active life and citizenship. Even in the second year of studying he joined the ranks of activists of the student council of FEA. Since then he became co-organizer of various student activities. He is one of the first in the group and at the department and is one of ten best students in the faculty. So the appointment of scholarship is a natural result.

Inf. FEA