We live in a world saturated with information. Every day we get it from various sources and perceive so much new that do not even notice it. So the majority of modern people tend to have a feeling of congestion and fatigue. This is especially true for students and teachers who have access to an unlimited network of knowledge, ideas and views.

In such circumstances, to ensure a high level of health, increase life expectancy, maintain performance, we have to acknowledge the role of physical exercises. Giving yourself exercise, you provide performance, foundation for great achievements and quality of life. This is a part of success for every person regardless of the field of work.

Among existing forms of individual exercise we will consider the following.

Morning hygienic gymnastics. It primarily increases the tone of the body. The complex of morning hygienic gymnastics should include exercises for all muscle groups, exercises for flexibility and breathing exercises. It is not recommended to perform exercises of static character, with significant weights or endurance. You can include exercises with a rope, a rubber tourniquet, with the ball. In drawing up exercise systems and their performance it is recommended to increased gradually physiological stress on the body, with the maximum in the middle and in the second half of the complex. By the end of the performace of complex exercises the load is reduced, and the body is put in a relatively rest state.

Exercise during the day. These are performed between individual or educational exercises. Such exercises prevent fatigue, help to maintain high performance for a long time without strain.

Individual exercise can be done either alone or in a group of 3-5 people or more. Group training is more effective than individual one. It is recommended to exercise 2-7 times a week for 1-1.5 hours.

However, a woman's organism has anatomical and physiological characteristics that must be considered during the  physical exercises or sports training made by themselves. Unlike the male, the female body is characterized by less strong structure of the bones, lower development of the muscles of the body, wider and more powerful muscles of the pelvic floor. A number of features significant for girl’s (woman’s) body are in the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous and other systems. That's why girls and women should pay special attention to control of their health and self-control during physical training. Firstly it is important to control the influence of training, competitions on the ovulatory menstrual cycle and the nature of  it’s change. According to physical condition and the nature of functional changes during different phases of the menstrual cycle girls and women are divided into four groups:

1st group - people with good physical condition and well-being, high efficiency during  all phases of the cycle.

2nd group - a certain number of people who has some weakness, lethargy, drowsiness, reduced performance during the  menstruation .

3rd group - a small number of people with restless sleep and increased irritability during the menstruation, pain in the abdomen and back.

4th group - a very small number of people with symptoms of intoxication.

The main features of woman’s body should be considered during the organization of trainings and the choice of  the methods. Fitness programs as a form of physical activity especially organized within the group or individual trainings can be aimed at reducing the risk of disease, achievement and maintenance  of a certain level of physical condition as well as at goals related to the development of skills for performing motor  and sport tasks at a high level.

In the next issue of the newspaper we will offer a set of morning hygienic gymnastics that does not require much space for its performance and sports equipment.

N.V. Ivaniuta, S.E. Tolmacheva, senior lecturers of physical education FBMI