The book is useful source,
It helps man to understand the world,
it’s help, we
Every time, admit mistakes
Books learn us how to live,
There is no doubt that
Wisdom and moderate are kept in it.
It’s like a river which gives a water
to whom who needs it.
Books is a useful source,
It learns us a lot.

The Tale of Bygone Year

Authors, publisher, teachers, librarians and everyone who works in this sphere celebrate Book Day. It is celebrated in 190 countries. For the first time it was celebrated in Catalonia (Spain) in 1996, where there is a nice tradition to give a person you like a book and roses in Saint George Day and it has been celebrating more than 80 years.

 Roses symbolize the blood  which George shed in battle with the dragon, and the book remind us the date of 23 April. Because, this day Cervantes, Shakespeare, Inca Harsilaso de la Vega, Michael Kotsyubynsky, born Maurice Druon, Vladimir Nabokov, Andrey Kurkov, Gregory Tyutyunnik died. So it is clear that the General Conference of UNESCO, was held in Paris in 1995, decided to pay attention and start to respect books and authors, by encouraging young people to enjoy reading, to respect work of those who with their creative work promoted a social and cultural development and setting up the World Book and Copyright Day. In Cervantes motherland, this date celebrates by an interesting competition – it is a competition where people read without a stop a text of "Don Quixote." Readers switch each other during 48 hours.

One of the first Ukrainian manuscripts was the Reims Gospel, taken out in 1049 from Kyiv to Paris by Yaroslav the Wise's daughter Anna. Other famous Ukrainian manuscripts are The Ostromir Gospels " Izbornik de Sviatoslav " and the Peresopnytsia Gospels.

The first printed book Ukrainian author was "the current prognostic assessment in 1483" written by Yuri Kotermak from Drohobych, published in Rome. And the first book printed in Ukraine, became the Apostle, published in 1574 by Ivan Fedorov in Lviv Orthodox brotherhood typography. In the seventeenth century, most Ukrainian books were published by Kyiv Pechersk Lavra, including "Trebnyk" by Peter Mogila, Kyiv Pechersk Lavra paterik patericon and "Lexicon slavenoroskyi" Pamva Berynda.  

  A story of copyright originated from, as scientists believe, setting up of printing, and the first well-known state regulation report of copyright protection was concerned to literary works, and the first international convention which was concerned to copyright protection was adopted due to the interests of publishers. The first report of legislation copyright which fixed a lot of rights of authors and distributed rights of authors and distributed publishers powers and publishers, it was set up in 1709 in England "Statute of Anne".

Laws, regulations on copyright began to appear everywhere. The law was used for performances, maps and other works. French law implemented a regulation - a abidance right that is related to the rights of the heirs of the author and distributed an effect of property rights after the author's death.

The latest communication means can partially replace a book, by usinf different functions, but systematic observation information (monographs, academic publications, encyclopedias) is based only on the book. Analysis of the functional features of a book allows to define it as an element of culture and in a book and a documentary society and in a modern information environment.

In conclusion, we would like to say that Stefan Zweig said: "The book is the alpha and omega of any knowledge, the beginning of beginning of every science."

L.M.Sidorenko, N.V.Tilnyak, dep. Ukrainian Language, Literature and Culture