In the period 1981-1985 there was completed the first stage in the development of material and technical base of the institute. Among the built - big educational building, assembly hall, a sports complex, a facility for children of students and staff, student family hostel, two houses for teachers. In late 1985 there were in educational buildings 217 big and 278 small audiences for 24.8 thousand places, 520 teaching laboratories and classrooms. Thus, the stage was set for the transition of the Institute to single-shift. But the material and technical base was developed with great difficulty. There were not enough builders, materials. There was the need to attract material and labor resources of the university, diverting them from their goal of direct appointment. This is to some extent distorted the teaching process, but there was no other way. And the staff and students were aware that their assistance is needed, and they kept their participation rate in the strengthening and development of the material base of the university.
In teaching work period 1981-1985 the main attention was paid to coordination and concerted study of humanities, general engineering, fundamental and profiling cycle. For this purpose, the departments created subsections, which were led by the teachers of relevant disciplines. In the first stage, they have a certain sequence and organization in the learning process, they have helped developed a program of continuing theoretical and practical training of students, improve the ideological orientation of academic disciplines, the introduction of CAD in the course and diploma design, strengthening economic, engineering and technological training.
Much attention was paid to various forms of professional development of teachers, the use of active learning. It was focused on the scientific and methodological conferences "Department - the main link of the educational process in high school", "Activation of mental activity of students - a necessary condition for improving the quality of their training." There was started the training 138 engineering staff under direct contracts with enterprises and ministries. At the end of the 80s such contracts were concluded with experts of 28 specialties. Chairs, which were led by G.M. Maresh, V.A. Ostafyev, A.A. Odintsov, V.P. Taranenko, A.I. Petrenko, Y.M. Kalnibolotskaya, Y.I. Yakimenko, began the new forms of coordination of the education with science and industry.
The acceleration of scientific and technological progress stimulated training and retraining of the engineering staff in areas such as computer-aided design, laser technology, robotics, microprocessor-based systems, and others. There was an attempt of individual learning through involvement in the educational process researchers and graduate students, who trained three or four student. However, this form of education, despite its attractiveness, has not received further development. In the desire to formalize the individual work of students and teachers in the departments without regard to their real capabilities, the administration almost discredited the idea. Trying to attract for the individual work with the students the staff of the university's scientific potential was unsuccessful.
In the training of engineers there was a question of implementation in the educational process computers. Despite the satisfactory condition with computer technology (compared to other universities), a number of specialties almost could not achieve this goal.
The use of computers in the learning process to 1985
Student Computing Facilities (classes) 73
Mainframe and EOS medium power units 84
Computer time mainframe computers and average power reserved in the learning process per full-time student 9,6
keyboards computers together pieces 2799
How many of them were used in the training process (installed in student computing halls, classrooms, laboratories), pcs. 2032
Workstations based terminals, mini- and micro-computers 10
Обчислювальні й управляючі комплекси на базі міні- і мікропроцесорів 250
In order to more fully use the computer park it was established faculty and department computer labs, the students mastered the basics directly working on the computers.
Measures were taken to improve the quality of graduate design. If in 1981 64.2% graduation projects were real, the 1984 - 82.4%. In 1981-1985 number of graduation projects carried out using computers increased by 10%.
Since the third year in the KPI it has spread comprehensive diploma design. For the purpose of instilling students with the skills of engineering and managerial work, enhancing their creative activity in the departments there were formed groups of three or four people who outside the lectures’ hours under the guidance of teachers, researchers and graduate students performed specific industrial problems.
Much attention is paid to organization practice. In 1985 4 thousands of trainee students were working in full-time paid position of enterprises, usually with advanced technologies and new equipment (at the factory "Arsenal" of Lepse "Red digger", "Kyivprylad" WHA Lyeskovsky plant of hard alloys, Leningrad Union "Source" and others.).
Increased training and education of students there were promoted various forms of training of teachers in pedagogy and psychology, design and technological training and computers; economic organization of workshops and seminars, meetings of teachers veterans with young teachers; revitalization of teaching seminars on chairs. In 1981 - 1985 there were issued 265 textbooks and manuals, such as "Television" (doc. Dombruhov R.M.), "Strength of Materials" (prof. G.S. Pisarenko, E.S. Umansky), "Power conversion equipment" (prof. I.M. Chyzhenko V.S. Rudenko, V.I. Senko). Part of them were awarded state prizes.
Actively than in previous years, there was developed research. Although indicators of economic efficiency KPI among the leading not included, but in 80 years there was received significant economic impact.
There was a certain amount of such forms of engaging students in creative activities like student specialized teams and students design bureau. Each team and bureau usually included five or six students, who performed specific industrial problems under the guidance of teachers and researchers of the Institute and, importantly, manufacturers. All this contributed to the development of students' interest in engineering work in creative activities.
Number of SSB in 1982 was 25, 116 in 1985, where more than a thousand students worked. Only in 1984 they wrote 305 course work and 123 diploma, made 93 graphics and 103 laboratory experimental work, presented 10 innovations and patent applications, produced goods to 210 thousand Rubles. [22, p.1]. SSB of the department of high voltages in agreement with Kiev PA "Relay and Automatics" developed instrumentation for high-voltage power systems computing x-ray imager; SSB of Department of Applied Mathematics has been active in software development workstation designer microcomputer at the Institute of Cybernetics of Glushkov USSR Academy of Sciences [23, p. 3].
KPI students were participants of various exhibitions. Thus, the exhibition electronic art, organized in 1982, students scientific society was sampled over thirty existing structures made by individual students and faculty of the electronic engineering, radio engineering, electro-acoustic, welding, electrical, and computer engineering radio tools. In 1983 to the USSR exhibition there was sent six items developed by students together with employees of KPI.
However, if the tendency to develop new forms of educational process, scientific, research in the integration of industrial and scientific associations observed quite clearly, the improvement of methods of educational work was slow and not always effective. The difficulty was that one need to work in conditions familiar to those years of stagnant stereotypes and ideological constraints.
On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War it has been activated the military-patriotic education of students, there were trips to places of military and labor glory, meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War officers - graduates of KPI. In 1983 in occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Battle of the Dnieper and the liberation of Kyiv there was created a museum of military glory KPI [24, p.1]. Students participated in the search operation to create "Chronicle of the Great Patriotic War", "watch memory," a monument to the fallen soldiers on Kluhorsky pass (Caucasus), organized patronage over it.
As part of the club DOSAAF 1985 there were 13 sections of military-technical and military-applied sports sections at 40 faculties: rifle, paramilitary, radio club "Polytechnic" delta plans, motorsports, motor sports judges, handlers of parachutists, biathlon, the aircraft modeling.
KPI students participated in the construction of economic facilities as part of students construction brigades (SCB). In 1985 there were recognized as the best the following faculties: Mechanical Engineering, Chemical-to-technological, mining electromechanics and automation, computer science and computer engineering, electro, electronic equipment. During the 1980-1985 316 SCB were formed, 19 of them - free labor.
Important role in the aesthetic education of students KPI was played by the amateur clubs and associations. There were 11 groups: national amateur Bandurist dance team "Polytechnic", violin ensemble, vocal studio, pop folk theater amateur female jazz band, rhythm ballet studio of artistic expression, brass band, preparatory group dance ensemble. In total, 73 faculty and institute amateur groups engaged over 2 thousand people. Each year, about 1,000 students have participated in faculty and university tours contest "Golden integral". 1985 pop folk theater "ETA" won the All-Union festival of amateur art.
The physical education students became more active. Only during 1985 there were prepared seven masters of sports, more than 370 candidates for the master and first-grade, 5399 carriers of the sign RW&D, 6004 athletes of different kinds. In 42 sports sections in 1985 there were engaged about 11 thousand of students and employees.
In the 80 years there was carried considerable research work on prior areas of Science and Technology. There was raised the level and effectiveness of research, expanded scale implementation of completed developments in the economy, their use in the educational process, developing the scientific work of students. It was made a number of arrangements, including the establishment in 1979 on the basis of research sector of Scientific Research. At this time there were introduced new terms of remuneration of different categories of employees.
In 1984 the research has been attributed to the first category of wages. It was done by reducing the number of employees and thus the release of the payroll. There have been identified and agreed with the relevant agencies the main directions of research for 1981-1985 and the perspectives up to 1990. There were among them: the creation of new methods to increase productivity and quality in engineering through the development of new and improvement of existing structures, equipment mechanization and automation of production; the development of radio, electrical and acoustical means of obtaining and processing information, the creation of new elements and devices of electronic equipment; improving the efficiency of modes of electrical systems and installations; development of methods, systems and integrated use of recovered energy sources; research and development of technology for production of new and improvement of existing materials with enhanced performance characteristics; development of the theory of chemical and chemical-technological processes and creation on their basis of substances, materials and compositions (biologically active drugs, new types of silicate materials) with the help of the integrated use of new and traditional raw materials, waste technology and methods of mathematical modeling and optimization ; efficiency, reliability, heat and power and heat equipment, the development of the principles of non-waste technology; creation of automation systems research, design in electronics, mechanical engineering, chemical industry and computer engineering; creation of technical means of mathematical and metrology software for automation systems, information and communication, measuring and computing; development of automated and automatic process control systems and industrial installations; development of automated systems of organizational management and information processing in mechanical engineering, instrumentation, energy, electronics, construction and transport; study of the problems of automation of management of higher education and the learning process.
Subject of scientific research in general meet current scientific trends in the KPI. Each of them was approved by the scientific leaders, leading departments and divisions - collaborators work to coordinate their activities. According to the All-Union, national, regional and sectoral plans and programs carried out about 80% of the research work. Greatly expanded network of research laboratories put into practice the same forms of technical documentation for contractual and state-budget issues. At all levels (department, faculty, university administration) had a system of follow-up and implementation of research.
There were improved and developed creative relationships with the ministries, enterprises, research institutions as part of the contractual research papers, agreements on the transfer of scientific achievements, agreements on scientific and technical cooperation. There were created industry research laboratories and educational, scientific and production associations, conducted scientific and technical conferences and seminars. Employees of enterprises and research institutes were involved in the learning process, improved their skills in courses in the KPI, and the faculty was an intern at the forefront of the industrial enterprises.
In the 80 years for a series of scientific papers on mechanics, engineering, medicine, chemistry, transformative technology, information and measuring equipment and other industries 35 scientists of KPI were awarded the State Prize. Among them there were: academicians of Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR: G.S. Pisarenko, I.M. Chizhenko, corresponding members: P.R. Rodin, E.C. Samofalov, A.A. Pashchenko, Professors: M.A. Pavlovsky, E.S. Umansky, A.A. Krupa, V.S. Rudenko, V.S.Kovalenko, Y.K. Trofimenko, M.Y. Ilchenko, V.A. Ostafyev, M.G. Popovic, associates: O. Y. Bokrinska, R.M. Dombrugov et al.
During these years, the Institute has become the main organization for the implementation of programs of the State Committee on Science and Technology of the USSR, the tasks of Gosplan, and target complex programs of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education ("CAD", "Avtoelektroprivid", "Electrical and electrochemical methods of processing parts and tools", "Works "," Automation of machining process "," Automation of research "). In their practice KPI systematically moved to the target-oriented way of organizing research work.
Much attention was paid to the relationship of scientific achievements with the needs of production. In close cooperation with research institutes and industrial enterprises there were performed annually 650-750 contractual works. Scientists have collaborated with many leading industry and academic institutions in Kiev. In 1980-1985 only on the instructions of 80 enterprises and organizations of the city there were carried out more than 260 contractual issues. 332 agreements on scientific and technical collaboration were performed. Together with the enterprises Kiev there were implemented 267 works, given the economic effect on the amount of 24.5 million rubles.
Long-term creative relationships with the customer become a solid foundation for the joint organization of industrial laboratories, one of the most progressive forms of scientific cooperation. Only in the 1976-1985 together with the 14 ministries there were organized 20 of the 22 existing KPI laboratories. These labs played a positive role in accelerating the implementation of completed studies. If in 1981 the economic effect of this amounted to 12.2% of the total economic benefit, then in 1983 - 31.4%.
In 1976 KPI has initiated the organization of teaching and research and production associations (volunteer), such as "Science and metrology", "Electronics", "Hydraulic". The structure of one of them, created on the base of the plant "Arsenal", features 11 industrial associations, institutions 5 Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, 2 industrial research institutes, 3 university. However, getting the right organization of scientific activity on self-financing basis, they have not been developed and subsequently lost their relevance.
KPI increased cooperation on transactions in the transfer of scientific and technological achievements and to assist businesses and organizations in the use of best practices. During the 1975- 1985 the number of such transactions has increased fivefold. From the introduction of works based on forms of cooperation annual economic effect amounted to about 2 million rubles. In addition, there were conditions to shorten the implementation of the results of research work in several enterprises in the whole industry, at minimum cost and time associated with their implementation.
The needs of industry in the development of university were also studied by the letters that came from businesses. The data obtained revealed a promising future reference works. Since 1975, it was held constant analysis of university departments (departments, branches, departments) for the development and implementation of joint enterprises with interested perspective and annual plans of research and implementation plans.
In order to enhance the implementation of the results of completed studies in collaboration with the Council of Rectors of the Kiev the university center in 1982 issued a "Collection of completed research work in higher education of Kiev recommended for implementation in the sectors of the national economy ", which included 376 development (75% of them - work KPI). Collection of 30 was sent to the line ministries and numerous companies of the country. Enquiries received enterprises have been used to expand the scope of implementation on the basis of agreements on the transfer of scientific and technological achievements and agreements on scientific and technical cooperation.
To accelerate the introduction of developments in the national economy, KPI partially used its material base. At the pilot plant it was set up a section of small-scale release corrosion measuring installations. Annually enterprises Ministry of Chemical Industry of the USSR were directed 60-70 made installations of this type. In 1975-1980 together with industry and organizations put into the development of the national economy in 1584 with an economic effect 142.7, in 1981 -1986 - 1574 respectively 1574 and 203.1 million rubles.
The Institute developed and put into production a set of equipment for the manufacture of cards Jacquard weaving; specialized devices with seismic data; highly cartridges GLP-I and II; BC-150 units for drying casein; current-stabilizer gas burner units; instruments for determining the quality of the metal by thermal analysis, nondestructive testing levels of mechanical stress of welded joints. Started applying laser hardening processes of metal cutting tools, electromagnetic stirring. Suggested channel-free method of construction of heating, a variety of high-performance design collet chucks, piezoelectric motors, meters and other corrosion rate.
With the aim of involving employees to accelerate the use of science and technology and their introduction into production there were conducted contests, competitions on the tasks of target scientific and technical programs to address the most important scientific and technical problems, and since 1980 it was practiced the taking part in competitions of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education and the USSR for the best scientific work of students. In 1980-1985 there were presented 64 works, the results of which received 11 awards, 17 degrees and 14 diplomas.
The results of research used in the learning process: the preparation of lectures, writing textbooks and manuals, monographs, the formulation of new laboratory works, diploma and course design. In 1976- 1980 there were published 196 monographs, prepared 93 textbooks and manuals; in 1981-1986 - respectively 197 and 68.
Improving the forms and methods of implementation and introduction of scientific works had allowed more than 30% of them implemented in the year of completion and about 50% - for the first two years after it. Only in 1981 -1985 years there were introduced (by type D) machinery, equipment, instruments – 492, technological process - 396, control methods and testing - 120, new materials – 42, standards – 16, methods of calculation, design and research - 315, works on the automation and mechanization of technological processes - 96 and others. However, this amount does not meet the needs of industry and answered opportunities KPI. During this period, the university has not reached the large-scale (small-batch or serial) implementation of research results in the national economy. Most of the work was used on one customer company, which reduces the possibility of efficacy studies. To improve the situation it was necessary to increase the amount of development work, organize the production of experimental and trial samples, create a pilot production, improve the design work.
Much attention was paid to the promotion of scientific achievements. In 1975-1980 KPI introduced to the all-Union, Republican and thematic exhibitions of various purpose 248 exhibits, for which he earned 73 awards in 1981-1986- 442 and 179, respectively.
However, the practice showed the low efficiency of exhibitions in terms of acceleration and expansion of the use of scientific achievements in the national economy.
Over the years the KPI has made some contribution to the training and retraining for industrial enterprises Kiev. Thus, in the course of technical officers annually increased qualification of employees of enterprises in 11 specialties, including engineering technology, powder metallurgy, laser processing of metals, fundamentals of scientific production management and others. Each year, about 150 engineering and technical personnel with the direct participation of teachers high school were prepared to test candidates preparations, under the guidance of university scientists prepared a thesis.
All these efforts had a significant impact on improving the effectiveness of scientific research. Relevance and novelty of the research confirmed many inventors' certificates, medals and diplomas of exhibitions of the national economy. Unfortunately, a significant number of instructions and orders hindered the implementation of the organization and implementation of scientific papers. It was developed the paper creativity, the shortcomings of which are well known.