The order of information support of the Portal is approved by the order № 1-244 dated 01.09.2014 on the efficiency improvement of information resources of information and educational university portal.

According to the order, the main sources of information of the Portal are materials fed by structural subdivisions of the University, official publications and documents of the University, materials of websites of University structural subdivisions, heads of University structural subdivisions or authorized representaives. Materials of unauthorized organizations are placed at the Portal according to the agreement of pro-rector by areas of activity.

Information published at the Portal has to meet publication standards in public edition. The heads of particular structural subdivisions are in charge of data credibility presented for publishing at the Portal as well as data updating and deletion.
Information materials placement at the University Portal

Information placement at the pages of the main site of the Portal is realized by the department of portal maintenance of the university (DPMU), structural subdivisions, people in charge of information maintenance of particular sections or DPMU upon the recommendation of these subdivisions.

Information processing before publication at the Portal is realized by authors. Prepared and agreed by structural subdivisions managers, the material is sent by email as attached file at the email from the field address *@*

  • A subdivision name is put in the Subject line;
  • The body of the letter includes material text itself and preferences towards its publication (placement) at the Portal;
  • files for sending (text in .doc, .docx, .rtf, .txt formats), if their size doesn't exceed 5Mb, are placed in an archive (RAR or ZIP formats). Visual materials are sent in .gif, .jpg, .png. formats.

Presentations, tables, videos and other files are placed at the Portal if they are processed by licensed program tools and if the accompanying text (the name and descriptions don't exceed the size of 500 symbols) is available. Files exceeding 5 Mb can be placed at the Portal if a particular resource is available.

Materials are placed in the language version of the Portal that corresponds to the language provided for document publication.

In case of disputable issues the ultimate decision regarding material placement, is made by the manager of Press Office of the University.

Your preferences and suggestions can be posted here: