About Olga Linyucheva's life and dream

Sometimes, when talking to experienced scientists, teachers, and engineers, the conversation involuntarily "slips" from the main topic. In this case, it's better not to distract the interlocutor from his thoughts about his work, his experiences, and his plans for the future.

Collegiate Electrochemical Technologies Contest

For the second time, the Department of Chemistry, Technology of Electrochemical Production of the Chemical Technology Istitute of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute conducted (from April 17 to April 19) the All-Ukrainian Collegiate Contest "Electrochemical Technologies of Inorganic and Orga

The Success Of Electrochemists - Teachers And Students

Two pleasant events took place on the eve of the Day of Science of Ukraine, which this year was celebrated on May 20at the Department of Electrochemical Productions Technology (EPT) of the Chemical Technology Faculty of the KPI

Developments of young people – for the benefit of production

By the decree of the President of Ukraine №509/2016 dated November, 17, 2016, Presidential award for young scientists in 2016 for the work “New inhibitors for corrosion prevention” was given to a team of young scientists of Chemical and Engineering Faculty.

Creative and persistent George Vasiliev

When meeting with Georgy Vasilyev - assistant trohimichnyh-electric technology industries ща Сhemical-engineering faculty, the winner of the competition "Young teacher-researcher - 2016" - the feeling that everything in life makes it "excellent." He came to the “KPI” in 2005, in 2009 received a b

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