The "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Development Strategy for 2020-2025" envisages deepening project and grant, educational, research and innovation, and international activities. In addition, the University Internationalization Program outlines the movement towards transforming the university into an international higher education institution with high standards of education and research quality, and joining the group of leading technical universities in the export of educational services and scientific and technical products.

These goals are realized, in particular, through academic mobility programs that open up opportunities for students, postgraduates and academic staff to gain new, international experience, reach new heights and realize new achievements, the results of which they can use to restore and develop Ukraine and further integrate into the international scientific and educational space. "At such a difficult time for our country, it is very important to have the assistance of the international scientific community and partner universities that support young Ukrainian scientists and create conditions for students to realize their potential," says the KPI Academic Mobility Department.

By the way, Serhii Kostyk, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Biotechnology and Engineering of the FBT, recently completed an internship at the Lukasiewicz Research Network*, an industrial research institute of automation and measurement in Poland.

"Thanks to the Erasmus+ academic mobility program, everyone can gain invaluable experience of international partnership, meet many experienced and interesting people," says Kostyk, "It is definitely worth participating in such programs, as they are extremely useful for both students and teachers. He continues: "For example, all the structural units of the University of Lorraine have state-of-the-art laboratories and a base of industrial practice at leading domestic enterprises. The scheme of interaction between enterprises and graduating departments, which, for their part, provide grant financial support for master's and PhD theses, looks very successful. This, in turn, allows the faculties to train highly qualified specialists in a particular field for interested partner companies." The scientist has a balanced opinion, as he has been a participant in international research projects for several years: he was an intern under the Erasmus+ KA1 program at the University of Lorraine, France; participated in the international project Interintelligent of the Sustainable development Ltd Research and Innovation Center (Slovenia), etc.

First of all, the researcher was provided with such opportunities by the department's scientific programs, because most of the scientific areas that have been rapidly developing at the Department of Biotechnology and Engineering of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in recent years are also in demand and relevant in the scientific departments of European universities. For example: modeling of physical processes of heat and mass transfer and hydrodynamics in various types of equipment (similar research is carried out by Laboratoire Reactions et Genie des Procedes, Laboratoire d'Energetique et de Mecanique Theorique et Appliquee and Ecole Nationale d'Ingenieurs de Metz). Design of biotechnological and pharmaceutical equipment (similar research is carried out by Laboratoire Reactions et Genie des Procedes). Application of ultrasonic technologies in the equipment of various industries (similar research is carried out by the Laboratoire de Mecanique des Fluids et d'Acoustique).

The creative and professional path of the future researcher Sergiy Kostyk began at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in 2003. Twenty years may seem like a long time, but when you are passionate about what you do, time flies by. And Serhii has always been an inquisitive, conscientious student/scientist, immersed in learning new things. Only the calendar marked the dates: 2007 - graduated from the Department of Biotechnology and Engineering with a bachelor's degree with honors, 2009 - received a master's degree with honors in the specialty "Equipment for the Pharmaceutical and Microbiological Industry" and a master's degree in engineering mechanics, 2009-2013 - postgraduate studies at the Institute of Technical Thermophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2009-2013 - worked as a junior researcher at the same institute, 2014 - defended his PhD thesis in the specialty 05.14.06 "Technical Thermophysics and Industrial Heat and Power Engineering". Since September 2013, he has been a member of the Department of Biotechnology and Engineering, starting as an assistant, and now works as an associate professor. Of course, he has a wide range of research interests: computer modeling of heat and mass transfer and hydrodynamics in pharmaceutical and biotechnology production devices, technical thermal physics, mechanics of liquids and gases, engineering and design of modern biotechnology equipment. He also provides teaching of the following disciplines: "Theoretical Foundations of Heat Engineering", "Theoretical Principles of Applied Hydraulics", "Processes, Apparatus and Equipment of Biotechnological Production", "Fundamentals of Modeling in the Biotechnology Industry".

In total, the scientist's creative work includes more than 40 scientific articles, 9 of which are indexed in Scopus and WoS, 25 patents of Ukraine for utility model, including one for invention; 6 textbooks, 4 chapters of foreign monographs, 2 of which were published by Springer, as well as more than 50 abstracts at national and international professional conferences. He was the scientific supervisor of research on hydrodynamics and heat transfer during dehydration of thermolabile solutions in a film apparatus, is a representative of the scientific school "Applied aspects of ultrasonic technologies in biotechnological production", which operates at the Department of Biotechnology and Engineering under the direction of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Victoria Melnyk. Since 2020, he has been the chairman of the organizing committee of the International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists "Biotechnology of the XXI Century", which is held annually at the FBT, and also supervises master's and PhD theses. Under his tutelage, students Oleksiy Revtov and Ivan Lisogor became winners of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty "Biotechnology".

For his scientific and teaching activities, the experimenter received well-deserved honors and awards: as a student, he was awarded diplomas of the Kyiv City State Administration for scientific and technical projects in the competitions "Intellect of the Young - to serve the capital" and diplomas of the Scientific Union of Students and Postgraduates of NTUU "KPI". In 2016, he was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for his research work as a young scientist, and in 2018 he received the Kyiv Mayor's Award for special achievements in the development of the capital of Ukraine - the hero city of Kyiv. Three times, in 2018, 2020, and 2022, he won the university competition "Young Lecturer-Researcher". However, the scientist is not resting on his laurels: he plans to continue working at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute "for the benefit of Ukraine", to complete his doctoral dissertation and successfully defend it.

The head of the department, Professor Victoria Melnyk, speaks warmly of her student: "Sergiy is very talented, hardworking and in love with his work, he knows how to organize it with maximum results. He harmoniously combines giftedness, thirst for everything new, integrity and responsibility. He is a good mentor, an authoritative teacher and a specialist. Young people perceive him as a senior comrade and are drawn to him as a teacher. He is generating a new generation of technicians. The staff of the department wishes Serhii Ihorovych enthusiasm, creative zeal and harmony!"

Nadiia Libert

* “Lukasiewicz” is a multidisciplinary research network located in 12 cities and employing up to 7000 people, including Ukrainians. “Lukasiewicz” is engaged in research and development in a wide range of fields, from logistics and warehousing, aviation technology, digitalization and microelectronics, construction and energy to transport and biotechnology. The multidisciplinary network is open not only to scientists and engineers, but also to people with experience in production or in the administrative and managerial sphere.