The PBF Department of Instrumentation Design and Engineering prepares specialists at three levels of higher education in the speciality 151 "Automation and computer-integrated technologies", educational program "Computer-integrated device production technologies".

Scientific creativity is taught in the Student DB

Research work of students is an important component of quality training. It develops search abilities, creative thinking, forms initiative and qualified specialists. Therefore, the involvement of students in research in higher education institutions is an important and urgent task. In particular, in extracurricular activities, students are encouraged to work in circles and creative teams of scientific orientation. The PBF Department of Instrumentation Design and Engineering  has a design bureau "Medinprylad” (scientific overseer -  Docent M.F.Tereschenko).  It unites young people with an ability to conduct scientific work. We talked about the work of the bureau with its head.

- Mykola Fedorovych, what do your staff members do?

- Development of new and modernization of existing medical devices, apparatus and systems. On the basis of these developments, students carry out course projects, calculation and graphic works, diploma projects, research on themes of master's dissertations. Researches are carried out on production subjects of real projects of the enterprises, where new or existing medical devices and systems are created or modernized. Students deal with the actual design and development of units and assemblies of medical devices.

 - That is, they work with real medical devices and apparatus, improving them?

- Yes, students get acquainted with new areas of development of medical instrument making, metrology and information-measuring equipment, automation and computer-integrated technologies. Classes are held on production sites and in laboratories of medical enterprises of Ukraine - LLC “Medintech" and "Oniko”( Kyiv), “Fotonika+”( Cherkasy). 

[The full version of material is in Ukrainian language]

На практиці в ТОВ Медінтех М.Ф.Терещенко Дослідна  установка в процесі експерименту
Апарат вакуумної абсорбції О. Руцька на Фестивалі Sikorsky Challenge А. Карпушева